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Folder guard crack free download
Folder Guard crack is a file securing program which enables us to keep secures our all the folders and also all the type of files keep protected with the secure password protection and stay away from the troopers and also we can hide our all the important files with this latest version.
Folder Guard 18 is a powerful computer security program that we can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources. We can use Folder Guard to lock our personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into our records. We can even completely hide our private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until we enter a valid password. We can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, restrict access to Control Panel.
The views and policies of Folder Guard 18 the most powerful software security tools on the internet. With Folder Guard 18 software we can powerfully secure on files, folder, and full control and security level of each file we chose. By Folder Guard 18 software we can specify the limitations of users in windows. We can change attributes of files and folders in windows such as read-only or hidden and secure with a password using this software to save data from hackers around. Also, we can completely control all the programs in the Windows-like control panel, start menu, search in windows, run secret drives sculpture.
The full support of the fat formats, NTFS, FAT32 with the use of this software can be assured that except us no one can access our information. Also Folder Guard 18 can activate the options of the run, search, Log off the taskbar, Internet add Farsi, task manager for all uses windows permanent security for his system.
Folder guard Full Crack Latest Version is Here!
Folder Guard 18 full crack is the best ever folder protection tool all over the internet. Folder Guard 18 allows working with any type of drive formats. Furthermore, Folder Guard 18 supports all the latest version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Folder guard is very easy to understand. Folder Guard 18 simply uses plain English no need to be a computer professional or expert. Also, Folder Guard 18 performs automatically updating whenever needed. We can download it from here. Folder Guard 18 free crack version is available there. We can download it freely from the below button and enjoy Folder Guard 18.
The Folder Guard 18 application lets us browse the content of our hard disk drives through Folder Guard 18 integrated file explorer for enhanced ease of access. Moreover, we can easily switch to a view that only displays protected files for better management. We can easily handle the filters and set all files of a specified extension to be inaccessible or protected with a password of our own choice. Folder Guard 18 with license key allows you to lock the folder with a password so no one can get access to our password protected folder. Folder Guard 18 also allows us to modify the folders according to our own choice by specifying a read-only method to the files.
- Format : EXE
- Size : 6.7 MB
- Password :
System Requirements:
- Folder Guard 18 supports Microsoft Window XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
- Also, Folder Guard 18 needs a minimum 2.0 GHz processor.
- Furthermore, Folder Guard 18 requires a minimum 2 GB of RAM and 1 GB of free disk space.
Folder Guard Features:
- Folder Guard 18 provides a quite simple and user-friendly interface.
- We can manage user access to files, folders, and other resources.
- Also, protects our data from unwanted persons.
- Furthermore, Folder Guard 18 allows creating strong passwords.
- We can permanently hide our private data from malicious apps.
- its also protects our data from virus and other destructive programs.
- Folder Guard 18 allows making all the removable storage devices disable to access our system directly.
- Also, we can create a master password to unlock all the files and folders directly.
- you can perfectly work in stealth mode.
- supports all the latest version of Microsoft Windows operating system.
- We can create a hotkey with which we can immediately disable all the folder lock settings.
Folder Guard 18 Features
- Passwords on folders and files for sharing purposes
- Attractive and user-friendly interface
- its has the ability to read-only files and folders
- it has the ability to hide files and folders and advanced data without limitation of locking files and folders
- its takes inaccessible files and folders
- its has the ability to limit the drives, CD, DVD, USB, floppy
- its empty’s the contents of a folder appearance
- Folder Guard encrypts files and folders with high security
- Turnout password to enter the program
- Privatization and Windows file security
- Folder Guard hides drives in different ways
- Folder Guard supports for Windows 64-bit support for NTFS, FAT32, FAT
- High security and encryption to protect data against spyware attack
Some Other Detailed Features:
- Hide files and folders: By the Folder Guard, 18 we can hide any file or folder, and this will be unseen to Windows apps, Office and even from MS-DOS programs.
- Lock folders with passwords: Folder Guard 18 can lock our personal folder with a password, that’s why only we would be capable of opening the files and documents that folder comprises.
- Restrict access to files by their type: We can utilize Folder Guard 18 to limited access to the entire classes of files aimed at the instance, we can stipulate that no operator should be capable of opening any JPG image file without we have approved him or her to do that.
- Protect our data from modifications: Other users in addition to PC viruses can alter or extinguish our documents, intentionally or unintentionally. Folder Guard 18 lets us make folders of our choice “read-only”, and thus prevent their modification until we decide.
- Control access to external drives: No need someone to copy our private documents to the detachable flash stick or a USB drive? By Folder Guard 18, we can stopover them. Don’t need others to install illegal software from the external source? This can help us with that, too.
- Disable Control Panel: If we don’t need other operators to mess up our PC configuration, by using Folder Guard 18, we can limit their access to the Control Panel and numerous configuration tools for Windows.
How to install?
- First of all, download the Folder Guard 18 Crack from below.
- Extract the archive file.
- Run the folder-guard-crack.exe file.
- Complete the installation.
- Start the Folder Guard Crack.
- Finally, provide the Serial Number from the file.
- Enjoy it!
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Download
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Description:
Folder Lock is a fast data encryption and password protection software for Windows. It can simultaneously encrypt, lock and password protect your files, folders, drives, USB drives and even CD/DVD-RW.
Folder Lock creates encrypted storages called 'Lockers'. You can keep as many of your private files & folders in your Locker and password protect them with a single click. You can transfer, secure and backup these Lockers. These Lockers are portable, you can keep them in USB Flash Drives, CD/DVD (R-RW), & notebooks or transfer them via email or upload. Lockers are even undeletable on the computer where Folder Lock is installed.
You can treat Lockers just as you would treat them in physical world. Each user can have their own Locker. However, a single user can create multiple Lockers with different passwords as well. With Folder Lock, you can choose either to encrypt using 256-bit AES on-the-fly encryption or lock files, folders and drives anywhere on your computer. Each Locker can contain your encrypted files as well as your personal list of locked items.
Furthermore, Folder Lock's options like hack attempt monitoring, stealth mode, data shredding, history cleaning and auto protection can enhance data security beyond anything ever achieved. In addition, a locker's delete, move and rename are password protected to prevent data loss.
Folder Lock is Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 compatible and is the most downloaded File Security program in the market today.
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Requirements:
Windows 7.0/Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Limitations:
25 fully-functional Usages.
Related searches:
folder lock
Folder Lock security information
You cannot download any crack or serial number for Folder Lock on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal. There is no crack, serial number, hack or activation key for Folder Lock present here. Our collection also doesn't contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal ways which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal.
Folder Lock installation package is prepared to be downloaded from our fast download servers. It is checked for possible viruses and is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Various leading antiviruses have been used to test Folder Lock, if it contains any viruses. No infections have been found and downloading Folder Lock is completelly problem free because of that reason. Our experts on malware detection tested Folder Lock with various spyware and malware detection programs, including custom malware and spyware detection, and absolutelly no malware or spyware was found in Folder Lock.
All software that you can find on our servers, including Folder Lock, is either freeware, shareware or open-source, some of the software packages are demo, trial or patch versions and if possible (public domain licence), we also host official full versions of software.
Because we want to be one of the fastest download sites on the web, we host all the software including Folder Lock on our servers. You cannot find here any torrents or download links that would lead you to dangerous sites. does support free software, however we do not support warez or illegal downloads. Warez is harming producers of the software.
Free Folder Lock Crack & Activation Code
Free Folder Lock is a Windows utility dҽsignҽd to hҽlp қҽҽp your important data safҽ by ҽncrypting filҽs, foldҽrs and ҽvҽn ҽntirҽ partitions with diffҽrҽnt passwords. It can also maқҽ thҽm invisiblҽ or disguisҽ thҽm as common Windows utilitiҽs by assigning thҽ Rҽcyclҽ Bin or printҽr icon.
Following a spҽҽdy sҽtup opҽration that shouldn't givҽ you any troublҽ, assuming that you havҽ .NEҬ Framҽworқ installҽd, you'rҽ wҽlcomҽd by a usҽr-friҽndly intҽrfacҽ with thҽ homҽ arҽa.
Filҽs, foldҽrs or drivҽs can bҽ ҽncryptҽd by pointing thҽm out in a built-in trҽҽ viҽw, spҽcifying and confirming thҽ password, as wҽll as by sҽlҽcting thҽ ҽncryption typҽ. Only portablҽ ҽncryption is availablҽ for drivҽ locқing.
Whҽn it comҽs to filҽs and foldҽrs, you can simply apply a password or maқҽ thҽ itҽms invisiblҽ too, so thҽy cannot bҽ viҽwҽd by othҽr PC usҽrs. In this casҽ, thҽ filҽs can only bҽ accҽssҽd and unlocқҽd from thҽ Free Folder Lock window.
If thҽy arҽ only locқҽd with a password, thҽ filҽ icon changҽs to thҽ onҽ of this program, and it's nҽcҽssary to indicatҽ thҽ password for dҽcryption whҽn attҽmpting to opҽn thҽ filҽ. Ҭhҽ dҽcryption tasқ is pҽrformҽd just as quicқly.
Similar stҽps can bҽ followҽd for disguising dirҽctoriҽs. Bҽsidҽs ҽntҽring a password and rҽtyping it for confirmation, you can picқ thҽ masқ typҽ from Rҽcyclҽ Bin, Printҽr, Nҽtworқ Dialing, and Nҽtworқ Nҽighborhood. Furthҽrmorҽ, you can viҽw a history of your rҽcҽnt activity with thҽ full path of all filҽs involvҽd, along with thҽ typҽ and timҽ of opҽration.
Ҭhҽ application worқҽd smoothly on Windows 10 in our tҽsts. It ҽncryptҽd and dҽcryptҽd itҽms swiftly whilҽ rҽmaining light on systҽm rҽsourcҽs consumption. On thҽ othҽr hand, Free Folder Lock Crack has sҽvҽrҽ limitations and doҽsn't providҽ ҽnough spacҽ for tҽsting all fҽaturҽs.
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Folder Lock Software free Download For Windows Latest Version 2019
If you looking on the internet a Folder lock Software free for PC Windows So, you come to the right place now a day shares with you an amazing application software to protect your Windows file folder, drives with passwords encrypt your important documents file in your personal folder drives in your PC windows and portable device to protect with passwords. You can look or hide your folder and drives given you can protect with passwords for limited access for children, employers, and anyone else might access to use your computer including law enforcement. You can free folder lock for windows 7 & folder lock for windows 10.
Provides security for CDs / DVDs and USB drives, in addition to your local folder and computer files. Offers on-the-fly encryption and synchronization of encrypted files into online cloud storage in a 256-bit AES military grade. Encrypted wallets are created to store personal data, like credit cards, bank accounts, and business cards.
Folder Lock Software Overview:
Folder Lock is a complete suite solution that allows you to keep your personal files encrypted and locked while saving encrypted file online automatically and in real time. It provides mobile security for USB and CD / DVD drives as well. FOOD LOCK also allows you to lock files, directories, folders, wallets for personal information and to screen the files.
Folder Lock is the only product with a 256-bit on-the-fly encryption of AES and an online storage synchronization of encrypted files. No files have to be decrypted or backed up manually. You can subsequently restore files on any computer at any time. The locksmith’s function “Protect USB / CD” enables you to maintain your encrypted files on USB drives and CD’s and DVD’s or to convert your files and folders to ZIP encrypted files to e-mail attachments.
A Folder Password Lock Free security tool developed to assist you in the management and security of your important files is Anvi Folder Locker. You can lock your personal files in Anvi folder locker to protect your privacy, place passwords on your files so that other users don’t have access. You can also add permissions to your files to prevent their modification and destruction or removal from Anvi Folder Locker Free. You can also check out the Nokia PC Suite.
Features Of Folder Lock For PC
- Add as many folders to the program as you want for quick hiding.
- Hide or Show individual folders or all folders at once.
- Prevents all file access, even from the command prompt
- Folders are removed from Windows Explorer entirely.
- Files in folders cannot be accessed, even from shortcuts or recent document lists.
- Folders cannot be hacked by re-installing Windows, booting in Safe Mode, or booting from another computer.
- Removal of the program does not expose your hidden folders.
- Run in Stealth Mode completely hidden from any users; no one will suspect you have hidden folders.
- Remove program from Control Panel “Uninstall or change a program”
- Folders are hidden and password protected using 256-bit Blowfish Encryption.
- Runs at Windows startup.
- Hotkey for bringing the program out of Stealth Mode.
- Hotkey for hiding all folders (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + H).
- Hotkey for showing all folders (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S).
- Password protection when a program is brought out of stealth mode.
- Password protection when hotkeys are used to hide or show all folders.
- Password protection when the program is opened.
- Much More………………../
Folder Lock Software Technical Setup Details
- Software Full Name: Lock & Hide Folder
- Setup File Name: Lock_Hide_Folder.exe
- Full Setup Size: 2.5 MB
- Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
- Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
- Latest Version Release Added On: 14th Mar 2019
System Requirements For Folder Lock Software
- Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
- Hard Disk Space: 16 GB of free space required.
- Processor: 1 GHz Intel Pentium processor or later.
Download Free Folder Lock For Windows 7, 8, 10 Latest Version
Anvi Folder Locker is a free security tool that has been developed to help you manage and protect your important files. With Anvi Folder Locker, you can lock your personal files to protect your privacy, set passwords to files so other users will have no access to them. Anvi Folder Locker Free also allows you to add permissions to your files to stop them from being modified, destructed or removed.
Key features include:
- Add a Permission:With file permissions, like Lock, Read Only, Hide and Lock, your files cannot be modified, copied or removed.
- Hide File or Folder:Hide important or confidential files.
- Password-Protect:Set a password to a file or folder so only user with the valid password can gain access to it.
- 24/7 Technical Support:24 hour online technical support.
Anvi Folder Locker is good at what it does, however there are not a lot of customizable features, such as the ability to select specific encryption algorithms. That being said, for the standard user, if you need to add an extra layer of security to your data, then Anvi Folder Locker is a good tool.
- Title:
- Anvi Folder Locker Free 1.2.1370.0 for Windows
- File size:
- 14.63 MB
- Requirements:
- Windows Vista,
- Windows 10,
- Windows 8,
- Windows 7,
- Windows XP
- Language:
- English
- License:
- Free
- Latest update:
- Monday, September 27th 2021
- Author:
- Anvisoft Corporation
- SHA-1:
- 42d704af79de5c7a885d4970b7197b4bb14fe985
- Filename:
- aflsetup.exe
We don't have any change log information yet for version 1.2.1370.0 of Anvi Folder Locker Free. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.
Can you help?
If you have any changelog info you can share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Head over to ourContact pageand let us know.
Download Folder Lock For Windows 10 - Best Software & Apps
Software for Enhanced Folder Protection and Privacy
There can be times when you require an extra level of privacy in regards to any data contained within offline folders. One example may be if you are sharing...
Folder Lock
Folder Lock is an excellent, comprehensive folder locking program.If you have folders and files that you'd like to keep private, you should check out Folder...
Free Software to Protect Files from Unauthorized Users
Personal data theft is a very real concern in these modern times. Free Folder Lock is an effective software program which will help to safeguard important...
SecretFolder is a simple way to achieve something that many of us wish our operating systems did more easily; create a private or hidden folder. You can hide...
Free Data Encryption Software for Personal Computers
It is only reasonable that users wish to protect their personal details from prying eyes. Free Folder Password Lock is a basic encryption tool which offers...
Free Application to Protect Media Files with an Encrypted Password
Most of us have a certain number of personal files within a personal computer or a mobile device. There is always the concern that this data may be accessed...
A free program for Windows, by Amazing-Share.
With this application, you can put a password on any files and folders on your external hard drive, so that nobody can access them without the right...
Locking Confidential Folders
Free Folder Password Lock is a security and privacy software created by 7thShare Studio. The software provides access control and encryption service for...
A trial version app for Windows, by ThunderSoft.
Folder Lock Pro is a trial version software for Windows, that belongs to the category 'Access Control'.
Download Privacy Lock Free For Windows - Best Software & Apps
Open-source software to hide and lock folders within a computer
LocK-A-FoLdeR can be a great tool for those who have been looking for a method to hide the contents of a specific folder from the prying eyes of others. It...
Free Software to Protect Files from Unauthorized Users
Personal data theft is a very real concern in these modern times. Free Folder Lock is an effective software program which will help to safeguard important...
Smart PC Locker Pro - Securely lock your PC for free!
Smart PC Locker Pro locks your PC securely so that only authorized users can access content. The lightweight application is very easy to configure and it...
Free Data Encryption Software for Personal Computers
It is only reasonable that users wish to protect their personal details from prying eyes. Free Folder Password Lock is a basic encryption tool which offers...
A free program for Windows, by Amazing-Share.
With this application, you can put a password on any files and folders on your external hard drive, so that nobody can access them without the right...
Matrix Screen Locker - Protect your PC with this free application!
Matrix Screen Locker is a small but effective application that makes protecting your PC an easy task. The application locks your PC and shows a matrix...
Bypass the activation lock on your iOS device
UltFone Activation Unlocker is an app that allows you to bypass the activation lock on an iPhone, iPad or iPod, even without an Apple ID or password. This...
Locking Confidential Folders
Free Folder Password Lock is a security and privacy software created by 7thShare Studio. The software provides access control and encryption service for...
An App That Secures All Your Passwords and Card PINs
Password Lock is a tool that helps store and manage your passwords safely in a password-protected file. The tool helps protect passwords and other...
USB Protection Tool - Secure your USB drives, for free!
USB Protection Tool is a great tool for adding some additional security to your USB drives. The powerful write protection included in the application...
Hide, lock, set read-only and no-execution protection to your files and folders
Lock away your PC from threats
VoodooShield is a free security and privacy software that enables you to effectively protect your PC from online malicious attacks. Developed by VoodooSoft...
A Highly Convenient Way to Securely Lock Your PDFs
Coming up with an effective password that we can remember, while at the same time making it secure enough that others won't guess it, can be a real pain. PDF...
Lock, hide and encrypt all your important files and folders, password protects sensitive data from unauthorized access.
Use your USB stick to block your PC
If you've ever worried about what's happening with your PC when you're not around then this is an ingenious solution - use USB PC Lock Pro to lock your PC...
Hide, Lock, Unlock your files and folders with a simple click. Protect your private files no matter what
Lock their forgotten Windows password
Password protect folders on your PC
Folder Password Lock is a free application that can password protect folders and files on your PC.

Folder Lock 6.4.1 Download
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Description:
Folder Lock is a fast data encryption and password protection software for Windows. It can simultaneously encrypt, lock and password protect your files, folders, drives, USB drives and even CD/DVD-RW.
Folder Lock creates encrypted storages called 'Lockers'. You can keep as many of your private files & folders in your Locker and password protect them with a single click. You can transfer, secure and backup these Lockers. These Lockers are portable, you can keep them in USB Flash Drives, CD/DVD (R-RW), & notebooks or transfer them via email or upload. Lockers are even undeletable on the computer where Folder Lock is installed.
You can treat Lockers just as you would treat them in physical world. Each user can have their own Locker, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators. However, a single user can create multiple Lockers with different passwords as well. With Folder Lock, you can choose either PicPick Professional For Windows encrypt using 256-bit AES on-the-fly encryption or lock files, folders and reaper keygen r2r anywhere on your computer. Each Locker can contain your encrypted files as well as your personal list of locked items.
Furthermore, Folder Lock's options like hack attempt monitoring, stealth mode, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators, data shredding, history cleaning and auto protection can enhance data security beyond anything ever achieved. In addition, a locker's delete, move and rename are password protected to prevent data loss.
Folder Lock is Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 compatible and is the most downloaded File Security program in the market today.
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Requirements:
Windows 7.0/Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT
Folder Lock 6.4.1 Limitations:
25 fully-functional Usages.
Related searches:
folder lock
Folder Lock security information
You cannot download any crack or serial number for Folder Lock on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal. There is no crack, serial number, hack or activation key for Folder Lock present here. Our collection also doesn't contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal ways which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal.
Folder Lock installation package is prepared to be downloaded from our fast download servers. It is checked for possible viruses and is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Various leading antiviruses have been used to test Folder Lock, if it contains any viruses. No infections have been found and downloading Folder Lock is completelly problem free because of that reason. Our experts on malware detection tested Folder Lock with various spyware and malware detection programs, including custom folder lock software freeware download Free Activators and spyware detection, and absolutelly no malware or spyware was found in Folder Lock.
All software that you can find on our servers, including Folder Lock, is either freeware, shareware or open-source, some of the software packages are demo, trial or patch versions and if possible (public domain licence), avg antivirus also host official full versions of software.
Because we want to be one of the fastest download sites on the web, we host all the software including Folder Lock on our servers. You cannot find here any torrents or download links that would lead you to dangerous sites. does support free software, however we do not support warez or illegal downloads. Warez is harming producers of the software.
Anvi Folder Locker is a free security tool that has been developed to help you manage and protect your important files. With Anvi Folder Locker, you can lock your personal files to protect your privacy, set passwords to files so other users will have no access to them. Anvi Folder Locker Free also allows you to add permissions to your files to stop them from being modified, destructed or removed.
Key features include:
- Add a Permission:With file permissions, like Lock, Read Only, Hide and Lock, your files cannot be modified, copied or removed.
- Hide File or Folder:Hide important or confidential files.
- Password-Protect:Set a password to a file or folder so only user with the valid password can gain access to it.
- 24/7 Technical Support:24 hour online technical support.
Anvi Folder Locker is good at what it does, however there are not a lot of customizable features, such as the ability to select specific encryption algorithms. That being said, for the standard user, if you need to add an extra layer of security to your data, then Anvi Folder Locker is a good tool.
- Title:
- Anvi Folder Locker Free 1.2.1370.0 for Windows
- File size:
- 14.63 MB
- Requirements:
- Windows Vista,
- Windows 10,
- Windows 8,
- Windows 7,
- Windows XP
- Language:
- English
- License:
- Free
- Latest update:
- Monday, September 27th 2021
- Author:
- Anvisoft Corporation
- SHA-1:
- 42d704af79de5c7a885d4970b7197b4bb14fe985
- Filename:
- aflsetup.exe
We don't have any change log information yet file viewer plus full version free download version 1.2.1370.0 of Anvi Folder Locker Free. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.
Can you help?
If you have any changelog info you can share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Head over to ourContact pageand let us know.
Download Folder Lock For Windows 10 - Best Software & Apps
Software for Enhanced Folder Protection and Privacy
There can be times when you require an extra level of privacy in regards to any data contained within offline folders. One example may be if you are sharing.
Folder Lock
Folder Lock is an excellent, comprehensive folder locking program.If you have folders and files that you'd like to keep private, you should check out Folder.
Free Software to Protect Files from Unauthorized Users
Personal data theft is a very real concern in these modern times. Free Folder Lock is an effective software program which will help to safeguard important.
SecretFolder is a simple way to achieve something that many of us wish our operating systems did more easily; create a private or hidden folder lock software freeware download Free Activators. You can hide.
Free Data Encryption Software for Personal Computers
It is only reasonable that users wish to protect their personal details from prying eyes. Free Folder Password Lock is a basic encryption tool which offers.
Free Application to Protect Media Files with an Encrypted Password
Most of us have a certain number acronis true image free Activators Patch personal files within a personal computer or a mobile device. There is always the concern that this data may be accessed.
A free program for Windows, by Amazing-Share.
With this application, you can put a password on any files and folders on your external hard drive, so that nobody can access them without the right.
Locking Confidential Folders
Free Folder Password Lock is a security and privacy software created by 7thShare Studio. The software provides access control and encryption service for.
A trial version app for Windows, by ThunderSoft.
Folder Lock Pro is a trial version software for Windows, that belongs to the category 'Access Control'.
Folder guard crack free download
Folder Guard crack is a file securing program which enables us to keep secures our all the folders and also all the type of files keep protected with the secure password protection and stay away from the troopers and also we can hide our all the important files with this latest Advanced Renamer License key Guard 18 is a powerful computer security program that we can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources. We can use Folder Guard tuneup utilities lock our personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into our records. We can even completely hide our private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until we enter a valid password. We can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators, restrict access to Control Panel.
The views and policies of Folder Guard 18 the most powerful software security tools on the internet. With Folder Guard 18 software we can powerfully secure on files, folder, and full control and security level of each file we chose. By Folder Guard 18 software we can specify the limitations of users in windows. We can change attributes of files and folders in windows such as read-only or hidden and secure with a password using this software to save data from hackers around. Also, we can completely control all the programs in the Windows-like control panel, start menu, search in windows, run secret drives sculpture.
The full support of the fat formats, NTFS, FAT32 with the use of this software can be assured that except us no one can access our information. Also Folder Guard 18 can activate the options of the run, search, Log off the taskbar, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators, Internet add Farsi, task manager for all uses windows permanent security for his system.
Folder guard Full Crack Latest Version is Here!
Folder Guard 18 full crack is the best ever folder protection tool all over the internet. Folder Guard 18 allows working with any type of drive formats. Furthermore, Folder Guard 18 supports all the latest version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Folder guard is very easy to understand. Folder Guard 18 simply uses plain English no need to be a computer professional or expert. Also, Folder Guard 18 performs automatically updating whenever needed. We can download it from here. Folder Guard 18 free crack version is available there. We can download it freely from the below button and enjoy Folder Guard 18.
The Folder Guard 18 application lets us browse the content of our hard disk drives through Folder Guard 18 integrated file explorer for enhanced ease of access. Moreover, we can easily switch to a view that only displays protected files for better management. We can easily handle the filters and set all files of a specified extension to be inaccessible or protected with a password of our own choice. Folder Guard 18 with license key allows you to lock the folder with a password so no one can get access to our password protected folder. Folder Guard 18 also allows us to modify the folders according to our own choice by specifying a read-only method to the files.
- Format : EXE
- Size : 6.7 MB
- Password :
System Requirements:
- Folder Guard 18 supports Microsoft Window XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
- Also, Folder Guard 18 needs a minimum 2.0 GHz processor.
- Furthermore, Folder Guard 18 requires a minimum 2 GB of RAM and 1 GB of free disk space.
Folder Guard Features:
- Folder Guard 18 provides a quite simple and user-friendly interface.
- We can manage user access to files, folders, and other resources.
- Also, protects our data from unwanted persons.
- Furthermore, Folder Guard 18 allows creating strong passwords.
- We can permanently hide our private data from malicious apps.
- its also protects our data from virus and other destructive programs.
- Folder Guard 18 allows making all the removable storage devices disable to access our system directly.
- Also, we can create a master password to unlock all the files and folders directly.
- you can perfectly work in stealth mode.
- supports all the latest version of Microsoft Windows operating system.
- We can create a hotkey with which we can immediately disable all the folder lock settings.
Folder Guard 18 Features
- Passwords on folders and files for sharing purposes
- Attractive and user-friendly interface
- its has the ability to read-only files and folders
- it has the ability to hide files and folders and advanced data without limitation of locking files and folders
- its takes inaccessible files and folders
- its has the ability to limit the drives, CD, DVD, USB, floppy
- its empty’s the contents of a folder appearance
- Folder Guard encrypts files and folders with high security
- Turnout password to enter the program
- Privatization and Folder lock software freeware download Free Activators file security
- Folder Guard hides drives in different ways
- Folder Guard supports for Windows 64-bit support for NTFS, FAT32, FAT
- High security and encryption to protect data against spyware attack
Some Other Detailed Features:
- Hide files and folders: By the Folder Guard, 18 we can hide any file or folder, and this will be unseen to Windows apps, Office and even from MS-DOS programs.
- Lock folders with passwords: Folder Guard 18 can lock our personal folder with a password, that’s why only we would be capable of opening the files and documents that folder comprises.
- Restrict access to files by their type: We can utilize Folder Guard 18 to limited access to the entire classes of files aimed at the instance, we can stipulate that no operator should be capable of opening any JPG image file without we have approved him or her to do that.
- Protect our data from modifications: Other users in addition to PC viruses can alter or extinguish our documents, intentionally or unintentionally. Folder Guard 18 lets us make folders of our choice “read-only”, and thus prevent their modification until we decide.
- Control access to external drives: No need someone to copy our private documents to the detachable flash stick or a USB drive? By Folder Guard 18, we can stopover them. Don’t need others to install illegal software from the external source? This can help us with that, too.
- Disable Control Panel: If we don’t need other operators to mess up our PC configuration, by using Folder Guard 18, we can limit their access to the Control Panel and numerous configuration tools for Windows.
How to install?
- First of all, download the Folder Guard 18 Crack from below.
- Extract the archive file.
- Run the folder-guard-crack.exe file.
- Complete the installation.
- Start the Folder Guard Crack.
- Finally, provide the Serial Number from the file.
- Enjoy it!
Free Folder Lock Crack & Activation Code
Free Folder Lock is a Windows utility dҽsignҽd to hҽlp қҽҽp your important data safҽ by ҽncrypting filҽs, foldҽrs and ҽvҽn ҽntirҽ partitions with diffҽrҽnt passwords. It can also maқҽ thҽm invisiblҽ or disguisҽ thҽm as common Windows utilitiҽs by assigning thҽ Rҽcyclҽ Bin or printҽr icon.
Following a spҽҽdy sҽtup opҽration that shouldn't givҽ you any troublҽ, assuming that you havҽ .NEҬ Framҽworқ installҽd, you'rҽ wҽlcomҽd by a usҽr-friҽndly intҽrfacҽ with thҽ homҽ arҽa.
Filҽs, foldҽrs or drivҽs can bҽ ҽncryptҽd by pointing thҽm out in a built-in trҽҽ viҽw, spҽcifying and confirming thҽ password, as wҽll as by sҽlҽcting thҽ ҽncryption typҽ. Only portablҽ ҽncryption is availablҽ for drivҽ locқing.
Whҽn it comҽs to filҽs and foldҽrs, you can crackingpatching idm 6.28 build 17 apply a password or maқҽ thҽ itҽms invisiblҽ too, so thҽy cannot bҽ viҽwҽd by othҽr PC usҽrs. In this casҽ, thҽ filҽs can only bҽ accҽssҽd and unlocқҽd from thҽ Free Folder Lock window.
If thҽy arҽ only locқҽd with a password, thҽ filҽ icon changҽs to thҽ onҽ of this program, and it's nҽcҽssary to indicatҽ thҽ password for dҽcryption whҽn attҽmpting to opҽn thҽ filҽ. Ҭhҽ dҽcryption tasқ is pҽrformҽd just as quicқly.
Similar stҽps can bҽ followҽd for disguising dirҽctoriҽs. Bҽsidҽs ҽntҽring a password and rҽtyping it for confirmation, you can picқ thҽ masқ typҽ from Rҽcyclҽ Bin, Printҽr, Nҽtworқ Dialing, and Nҽtworқ Nҽighborhood. Furthҽrmorҽ, you can viҽw a history of your rҽcҽnt activity with thҽ full path of all filҽs involvҽd, along with thҽ typҽ and timҽ of opҽration.
Ҭhҽ application worқҽd smoothly on Windows 10 in our tҽsts, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators. It ҽncryptҽd and dҽcryptҽd itҽms swiftly whilҽ rҽmaining light on systҽm rҽsourcҽs consumption. On thҽ othҽr hand, Free Folder Lock Crack has sҽvҽrҽ limitations and doҽsn't providҽ ҽnough spacҽ for tҽsting all fҽaturҽs.
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Folder Lock Software free Download For Windows Latest Version 2019
If you looking on the internet a Folder lock Software free for PC Homeguard download So, you come to the right place now a day shares with you an amazing application software to protect your Windows file folder, drives with passwords encrypt your important documents file in your personal folder drives in your PC windows and portable device to protect with passwords, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators. You can look or hide your folder and drives given you can protect with passwords for kms crack download access for children, employers, and anyone else might access to use your computer including law enforcement. You can free folder lock for windows 7 & folder lock for windows 10.
Provides security for CDs / DVDs and USB drives, in addition to your local folder and computer files. Offers on-the-fly encryption and synchronization of encrypted files into online cloud storage in a 256-bit AES military grade. Encrypted wallets are created to store personal data, like credit cards, bank accounts, and business cards.
Folder Lock Software Overview:
Folder Lock is folder lock software freeware download Free Activators complete suite solution that allows you to keep your personal files encrypted and locked while saving encrypted file online automatically and in real time. It provides mobile security for USB and CD / DVD drives as well. FOOD LOCK also allows you to lock files, directories, folders, wallets for personal information and free web app builder screen the files.
Folder Lock is the only product with a 256-bit on-the-fly encryption of AES and an online storage synchronization of encrypted files. No files have to be decrypted or backed up manually, folder lock software freeware download Free Activators. You can subsequently restore files on any computer at any time. The locksmith’s Avast Free Antivirus Key “Protect USB / CD” enables you to maintain your encrypted files on USB drives and CD’s and DVD’s or to convert your files and folders to ZIP encrypted files to e-mail attachments.
A Folder Password Lock Free security tool developed to assist you in the management and security of your important files is Anvi Folder Locker. You can lock your personal files in Anvi folder locker to protect your privacy, place passwords on your files so that other users don’t have access. You can also add permissions to your files to prevent their modification and destruction or removal from Anvi Folder Locker Free. You can also check out the Nokia PC Suite.
Features Of Folder Lock For PC
- Add as many folders to the program as you want for quick hiding.
- Hide or Show individual folders or all folder lock software freeware download Free Activators at once.
- Prevents all file access, even from the malwarebytes anti malware with crack prompt
- Folders are removed from Windows Explorer entirely.
- Files in folders cannot be folder lock software freeware download Free Activators, even from shortcuts or recent document lists.
- Folders cannot be hacked by re-installing Windows, booting in Safe Mode, or booting from another computer.
- Removal of Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.3 Crack + Serial Key [New] program does not expose your hidden folders.
- Run in Stealth Mode completely hidden from any users; no one will suspect you have hidden folders.
- Remove program from Control Panel “Uninstall or change a program”
- Folders are hidden and password protected using 256-bit Blowfish Encryption.
- Runs at Windows startup.
- Hotkey for bringing the program out of Stealth Mode.
- Hotkey for hiding all folders (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + H).
- Hotkey for showing all folders (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S).
- Password protection when a program is brought out of stealth mode.
- Password protection when hotkeys are used to hide or show all folders.
- Password protection when the program is opened.
- Much More………………./
Folder Lock Software Technical Setup Details
- Software Full Name: Lock & Hide Folder
- Setup File Name: Lock_Hide_Folder.exe
- Full Setup Size: 2.5 MB
- Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
- Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
- Latest Version Release Added On: 14th Mar 2019
System Requirements For Folder Lock Software
- Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
- Hard Disk Space: 16 GB of free space required.
- Processor: 1 GHz Intel Pentium processor or later.
Download Free Folder Lock For Windows 7, 8, 10 Latest Version