How to install foobar2000 - for explanation
Windows® 7 ASIO Audio Setup Guide for foobar
Once foobar is installed, add the ASIO plug-in on foobar — like this:
Step 1: Download the ASIO component
Find the ‘Get more components’ link under File>Preferences>Components – it’s near the bottom of the dialog box
Clicking the link will direct you to Download the ASIO support file and save it to your PC
Step 2: Install the ASIO component
Return to File>Preferences>Components and click the ‘Install’ button
Select ‘foo_out_asio’ component and click the ‘Open’ button
Click ‘Apply’ and restart foobar
Step 3: Enable ASIO output mode
Select ‘ASIO: Essence device’ under Preferences>Output>Playback> the ‘Apply’ button and then click ‘OK’.
ASIO audio output is now enabled. Most Essence USB audio products feature a bit-perfect LED indicator. It will always light up under ASIO playback to show that your playback is bit-perfect.
A front-end launcher program for Foobar on Mac OS X that is running under WINE. If you have wine installed, this script merely creates a launcher app for running foobar, therefore Foobarmac is now accessible in Launchpad and/or can be pinned to your Dock.
Anyone who wants to run Foobar using the MS Windows compatibility layer called Wine and have a easy to use launcher program to start it. The benefits of this approach are
First grab a copy of foobar's installer here via foobarorg
Homebrew Method:
- Homebrew and WINE - See setup guide below
- foobarMac Download Brew Version
MacPorts Method
- MacPorts and WINE - See setup guide below
- foobarMac Download MacPorts Version
How-to: Download the launcher, unzip it, and drag it into the Applications folder. Next, access it with Launchpad, Spotlight, Alfred and even pin to the Dock.
- Homebrew Version foobarMac
- Macports Version foobarMac
Brew is easier to setup and use. Go here for the Brew & Wine Setup Guide
If you have Wine already installed, then skip to Step 4. Otherwise you should know that setting this up is not for the faint of heart, but you will learn much along the way. Installing X11, Java RE, MacPorts, Xcode, Wine is a bit time consuming, but it is worth it. Things go more smoothly by following this setup order:
X11 must be installed. If you don't know what it is or never installed it on your Mac (it's a seperate OS X add-on Apple releases), then go grab it from this website here:
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed. Check to see if Java is installed by opening a terminal and typing:
java -version
If you do have Java installed, then it will show you what version you have,
otherwise, download and install the JRE from here:
- MacPorts must be installed. Ports gives you access to a repository like Linux has to find, install, and update thousands of free *nix programs that Apple left out. It does this by grabbing the software code required to build into a runnable program, builds, and installs it. It may take longer than downloading and installing a program that is ready to install, but programs and their dependencies are more likely to run better and faster, since it was built for your exact setup instead of being built for all setups. Download it here:
This has a few steps which cost nothing but time, which are
Once MacPorts is installed, then in a terminal use these command to update Ports, then install Wine:
sudo port selfupdate sudo port upgrade outdated
Note: If installing a new port program or upgrading outdated fails, restart your computer and try again. This will clear out your system temp folder, and it will often fix any install problems.
Depending on the speed of your computer, it might take a few hours to build and install wine, along with all it's resources it requires.
If you want to search for other Port programs use this command
Grab a copy of foobar Download it here:
Run wine to launch the Foobar installer. In the terminal:
wine Downloads/
Finally, install the launcher app by copying into your Application folder. Next,
- If you want it to stay in your Dock, then drag it onto it from the Applications folder
- If you want it to be findable in Launchpad, then drag it onto it from the Applications folder
If you prefer a simplier way get Foobar running on OS X, then maybe CrossOver is a better choice, but doing so you won't have the MacPorts repository of programs you can natively build and install.
For explanation: How to install foobar2000
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Last updated 5/9/
As the title of this how to install foobar2000 this little guide/tutorial will try to address only how to install and configure Foobar media players most important audio related features such as output modes and most common audio codec plugins, how to install foobar2000. It does not deal with any other aspects adding extra functionality such as streaming, file tagging, etc. or cover the complete list of available input format plugins.
1.) Downloads.
Before installing anything, first download the player and desired plugins into the same easy to locate folder, how to install foobar2000, it makes installation and setup easier and quicker if everything is located in a single place.
*** WARNING ***: The plugins come in with either .zip or .fb2k (also a zip) file extension, unless specified, DO NOT extract the content to the component folder, that method is not only not recommended but can actually cause problems with the player. When installing plugins Foobar extracts the contents automatically and places them in the correct folder/s if you follow the instructions bellow (Chapter #2).
) Foobar
The player and most (but not all) plugins can be downloaded from here: Link: Foobar download page
At this moment how to install foobar2000 most recent stable version available of the player is
>>>Foobar V beta has been launched with a long list of changes and a new 64bit version!!
NOTE: If you are interested in testing/trying this new version I strongly recommend to install it in portable mode as to not cause potential problems with your current install.
By default Foobar uses DirectSound for outputting sound to the soundcard/DAC. DirectSound is designed as a single bit depth and sample rate method, this means verything that differs from the configured system resolution will get automatically resampled to match it, how to install foobar2000. DirectSound by default is usually configured for 16bit 48KHz in most systems which negates any hypothetical benefit of higher bit depths or sampling rates, how to install foobar2000. It can be set to higher values but Microsofts up/down sampling algorithms are not as good as others available like SOX though some may argue that the differences how to install foobar2000 relevant as they are not hearable.
If you want to get bit perfect (as in no resampling or additional processing) the best way is using any of the systems that avoid going through the Windows Mixer namely:
* ASIO(Current version: ):
Not supported by all soundcards. It is a robust low latency way
to get all the bits as close to the original as possible. Most Pro soundcards and DACs provide ASIO compatibility. Id recommend them over WASAPI as, at least in my system, they achive lower DPC latency.
Link: ASIO plugin homepage
How to give ASIO process high priority automatically:
* WASAPI (Latest version: ):
IMPORTANT: Release now includes WASAPI as default output wtih both exclusive and non exclusive modes available making this plugin redundant unless your system has trouble with the new component. (10/08/)
Microsofts version of ASIO, most card will play using one of the WASAPI modes. Similar performance to ASIO and broader compatibility.
Link: WASAPI plugin homepage
How to give WASAPI process high priority automatically:
Important NOTE:
In case of drop-outs, clicks and pops or stutter, how to install foobar2000, WASAPI buffer size can be adjusted in Preferences->Advanced->Playback->WASAPI. Notice separate values for Event and push mode are available (see image below) so adjust the one you are using.
If your soundcard/DAC accepts Event mode it would be the prefered mode, more info here:
Link: Additional info about WASAPI
Also since version it is possible to configure independently buffers for either mode and run the WASAPI process with real time priority. To access these settings follow this path:
* Kernel Streaming (Latest version: ):
This was the predecessor of WASAPI introudced in Windows XP. Not recommended for Windows Vista SP1 or later, use WASAPI instead.
Link: Kernel Streaming plugin homepage
Foobar plays the most common files like MP3, MP4, how to install foobar2000, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis, FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Speex, AU, SND as standard but this list can be enlarged to cover almost any thinkable codec by using additional plugins. Next is a recommended selection for playing most common high resolution material:
* DVD-A(Current version: ):
-DVD-Audio Decoder input plugin and Watermark Detector/Neutralizer DSP plugins for foobar Decoder is capable of playing back DVD-Audio discs, ISO images, AOB, MLP and Dolby TrueHD files in full resolution. Dedicated plugin for DTS-HD playback.-
Link: DVD Audio plugin homepage
* SACD(Current version: ):
This plugin is capable to decode Super Audio CD ISO image content as well as DST, DSDIFF and DSD files.
This plugin contains CODE FROM SACD Ripper project.
A change log is included in the zip file.
Check part 2 of this guide HERE for more information on how to set it up
**RECOMMENDATION** Do not install nor use the DSDIFF decoder plugin available at the Foobars component page. It is obsolete, performs worse and has less functionality than foo_sacd_plugin and can make the player crash when both DSD related plugins are installed at the same time.
Link: SACD plugin homepage
* HDCD decoding (Latest version ):
Use this plugin if your DAC doesnt have native support for it and you want to get the benefits of HDCD encoding.
-This postprocessing service component will decode HDCD data in any bit PCM stream passed through it by supporting inputs, such as CDDA, WAV, FLAC, and WavPack.
I recommend using the following setting to correctly play HDCD enconded files though some CDs had incorrectly set the PE flag:
Link: HDCD plugin homepage
* Monkey (.APE files, Latest version ):
-Adds decoding support for Monkeys Audio files (.APE) as well as APE Link files (.APL).
Link: Monkey audio plugin homepage
Other not so common but still interesting codecs are AC3 (AKA Dolby Digital) and DTS. If you how to install foobar2000 to have files encoded with either of these codecs the following plugins will need to be installed:
* AC3
Adds decoding support for ATSC A bitstream files (.AC3). Also includes a packet decoder for Matroska files containing AC3 streams
Link: AC3 plugin homepage
Adds decoding support for DTS Coherent Acoustics files (.DTS) and DTS WAV files (.DTSWAV). Also includes a packet decoder for Matroska files containing DTS streams, and a decode postprocessor which supports decoding DTS streams from Hz or 48KHz bit lossless PCM streams. (Implementing support for this in other inputs is beyond my control. Currently implemented formats include WAV, audio CD, FLAC, Wavpack, and TAK.)
Link: DTS plugin homepage
* De-Emphasis Processor
In order to correctly play CDs or files encoded with Pre-Emphasis (for more information see a de-emphasizing component must be installed and a Pre-Emphasis or Pre_Emphasis tag added to the album files with 1, on or yes as value.
De-emphasis components
Once the player and all plugins have been downloaded first step will be installing the player.
The first option given in the installation process is installation type, standard or portable. If you plan to customize heavily Foobar and use it on more than one computer portable installation can be a good idea as it can be copied to a USB flash drive and shared across many PCs keeping the configuration (as long as hardware is compatible too). For use on a single computer choose standard. After that Foobar asks for the installation path and options (I recommend checking all).
Once the player is installed, to install the additional downloaded plugins follow the red arrows in order:
(Note: by default when preferences are opened Foobar goes to the components section, how to install foobar2000, if for any reason this doesnt happen click on it to access the window shown below)
All installed components are shown inside the green rectangle. To add another click on install (red arrow #3). Point the window that pops up to the folder where all plugins photoscape x review Free Activators been previously downloaded choose any one and repeat WITHOUT clicking Apply or closing the player until all have been installed. Dont worry if just after installing a plugin it reads Unknown in the installed components list, theyll show their name and version once Foobar is re started.
To acces all playback options click on the+ sign by Playback on the left pane of preferences expanding it.
Disable replay gain
Some files have a tag specifying replay gain that will adjust loudness automatically for that track, when used on all files it reduces de how to install foobar2000 to reach for the amps volume potentiometer but it does so at the expense of bit perfectness. If you prefer to control volume with your amps knob this can be disabled as follows:
When Playback is selected in the left pane the right pane will show this:
In the second drop down list labeled Processing select None
For extra security 0dB can be selected in both the Preamp sliders.
DSP Options
Foobar has some built-in DSPs that are disabled by default, they can be enabled by accessing them in the DSP entry on the right pane and looks like this:
On the pic above you can see the default ones plus two I added, the DVD_A plugin and a SOX HQ upsampling plugin.
The only one I use from time to time is the Convert to Stereo because my Musiland is not so good at downmixing.
DSPs are not installed here but as any other plugin, here they are just enabled/disabled and configured (when available).
This section is key to get the best out of Foobar and your system.
Available options depend on installed output plugins, how to install foobar2000. First click on output on the left pane and then on the left one click the drop down list under Device to get something like the next pic:
The image shows all available outputs to Foobar, how to install foobar2000. In this example the laptop Im using has two sound cards, the onboard Realtek (using Windows default High Definition drivers instead of the proper ones but that is a different story) and the Musiland As each sound card has more than one out the list is quite long.
There is one entry for each way out under each type of output, for example, it is possible to route the music to the Musilands analogue outputs using:
ASIO: Musiland Monitor Series (USB)
DS: Speakers (Musiland Monitor 02 US)
KS: Monitor 02 US []
WASAPI: Speakers (Musiland Monitor 02 US)
As the Musiland also has SPDIF out the above is repeated but with replacing Speakers with SPDIF.
For testing purposes ASIO4ALL is installed but only for the onboard sound chip.
ASIO Virtual Devices
Before accesing a device through ASIO a virtual device has to be created first. If our sound card has a native ASIO driver how to install foobar2000 we have installed ASIO4ALL we can add it to Foobars list by clicking the ASIO Virtual Devices entry beneath Output on the left pane and the next will be shown:
Follow the arrows in the same order to add how to install foobar2000 device. The ASIO Device Editor will show in the drop down list all ASIO drivers known to your O.S. (AKA Windows) be it only one or as many as ASIO compatible sound cards you have in your computer. Select one, click OK and configuration is over.
Some Plugins create entries on the left pane where their options can be configured. Both DVD-A and SACD plugins do this, and in the SACD case, for example, you can choose its output format (PCM, DSD or Auto), PCMs sampling rate (24/ or 24/) and, if wanted, extra gain (0 to +6dB), how to install foobar2000. Go to part 2 for further instructions.
For those interested in playing from RAM here is are the required steps to setup Foobar to load the entire file to played how to install foobar2000 RAM and play it from there instead of the HDD, this way there will no disk access during play avoiding possible mechanical noise, reducing heat and power consumtion.
This only works for music files and not for large .ISOs. CUEs or other list files. If a disc is ripped to a single file and loaded into Foobar to play it from RAM it will be impossible to navigate tracks and guessing will be required to find the begining and the end of each song. This can be avoided by simply ripping to an indivual file per track
When configuring the RAM buffer bear in mind total system memory, most modern PCs come at least with 3 or 4GB which should leave enough for a quite large buffer provided you are not running multiple apps when listening to music, how to install foobar2000. Also, 32bit and 64bit have different requirements the later needing more RAM for system services and apps.
,KB (MB) should be more than enough for an entire CD ripped to a single FLAC. If ripping to WAV the buffer may need to be increased to ,KB in order to make sure even the biggest file can be fully loaded, how to install foobar2000. If all your music is in file per track format then ,KB should suffice for even 24/ WAVs or DSD DSF or DIFF files. Note that the value entered is the maximum Foobar will use only if needed, if file being played is smaller it will just use the equivalent to the file size + overhead + Foobars own code.
On the next pic the path to where to change this setting is shown:
Foobar running in default config (value = 0KB) show aprox. 60MB are used
Foobar with a value of ,KB and a MB FLAC playing:
6.Customizing the current track information in the status bar
Here is an example of how it is possible customize the displayed information in the status bar (lower left part of the screen) so it shows relevant technical infomation about the track being played.
Clear whatever the Status bar box contains (see screen capture below) and paste the following into it:
Foobar is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform. This article will serve as an informative guide and give you a clear understanding of how to perform a silent installation of foobar from the command line using the EXE installer.
How to Install Foobar Silently
Foobar Silent Install (EXE)
- Navigate to:
- Download the to a folder created at (C:\Downloads)
- Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
- Navigate to the C:\Downloads folder
- Enter the following command: /S
- Press Enter
After a few moments you should see the foobar Desktop Shortcut appear. You will also find entries in the Start Menu, Installation Directory, and Programs and Features in the Control Panel.
The information above provides a quick overview of the software title, how to install foobar2000, vendor, silent install, and silent uninstall switches. The download link provided take you directly to the vendors website. Continue reading if you are interested in additional details and configurations.
Additional Configurations
Change Default Installation Directory
You can also change the default installation directory by using the following command line parameters. In this example, I’m installing foobar to “C:\foobar”
How to Uninstall Foobar Silently
Check out the Foobar Install and Uninstall (PowerShell) post for a scripted solution.
- Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
- Enter one of the following commands:
Foobar Silent Uninstall (EXE) on bit System
Foobar Silent Uninstall (EXE) on bit System
Always make sure to test everything in a development environment prior to implementing anything into production. The information in this article is provided “As Is” without warranty of any how to install foobar2000.