Uvk ultra virus killer portable - sorry, that
File size: 21.04 MBUVK is a multi-featured malware removal and system repair professional tool. It easily detects and removes adware and malware from all user accounts. It can also be used to fix errors and optimize the registry for better overall performance.
Process manager
- Filter all the running processes by their executable path.
- Select and manage several processes at once.
- Kill processes.
- Kill several processes with the same path at once.
- Kill processes and delete the parent files simultaneously.
- Kill all the listed processes.
- Kill all the listed processes except the system processes.
- Kill all non trusted processes.
- Pause and resume processes.
- Verify the processes files signatures.
- Search information about a process over the internet.
- Submit one or more processes MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
- Open the processes files locations.
- View the processes executable files properties.
Startup entries and scheduled tasks
- Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files simultaneously.
- Select and manage several entries at once.
- Verify the startup entries files signatures.
- Hide Microsoft signed files from the list.
- Search information about a startup entry file over the internet.
- Submit one or more startup entries files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
- Jump to the registry key where the startup entry is located.
- Open the startup entries files locations.
- View the startup entries files properties.
- Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.
Windows services and drivers
- Delete services or drivers, and the corresponding files simultaneously.
- Perform all common service management tasks: Stop, start, pause, resume services, and set their startup type.
- Select and manage several services or drivers at once.
- Stop all non Microsoft services.
- Choose the services and drivers to be displayed: Show all services and drivers. Hide inactive services and drivers, Hide Microsoft services and drivers, Hide inactive and Microsoft services and drivers.
- Verify the services/drivers files signatures.
- Search information about a service/driver file over the internet.
- Submit one or more services/drivers files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
- Jump to the registry key where the service/driver is located.
- Open the service/driver file location.
- View the service file properties.
- Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.
Delete or replace file or folder
- Delete files and folders even if they're being used by applications.
- Delete running executable files.
- Delete files and folders you can't normally delete using the Windows explorer.
- Choose to whether delete the files definitely or move them to the recycle bin.
- Replace or copy files.
- Expand compressed files.
- Replace files even if they are loaded in the memory.
Scan & create log
- Perform a full analysis of your system and save it to a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post in a forum, or analyze it yourself.
- Choose the areas you want to scan and show in the log.
- Choose whether to show Microsoft signed files in the log.
- Choose where to save the log.
- Choose whether to verify the scanned files digital signatures.
- Search for recently created files, and write them to the log.
- Perform other custom scans, live retrieving specific information on files, folders, registry entries, or automatically get the VirusTotal analysis result for a file.
Run UVK Scripts
- Disinfect your computer by pasting lines from the UVK log to delete corresponding registry entries and files.
- Use custom commands to download files, execute programs, delete or add registry entries, terminate processes, delete files and folders, run cmd batch scripts, register system files or run the UVK Fixes.
- Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and all users temporary folders.
- Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.
- Automatically run any of the UVK fixes or scans.
UVK tools
- Retrieve al sorts of information on any file.
- Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or grant access or perform an sfc scan for any file.
- Search information on files and registry entries over the internet.
- Grant access or prevent changes to registry keys.
- Enumerate all the restore points.
- Select and delete one or several restore points.
- Create system restore points.
- Enable or disable the system restore.
UVK System repair
- Fix your computer with more than fifty exclusive fixes: Fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and repair Windows update, clear dns cache and the hosts file, reset user default registry settings, fix installation problems, empty all browsers cache, reset security settings, defragment and optimize the hard drives, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, Fix the WMI and the system restore, delete all restore points, fix the windows shell, reset the user shell folders and much more.
System Info
- Show information that can be very useful specially if you're going to reinstall windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes the processor, memory and page file usage, OS and office product keys, and hardware and users info.
- Export this info to a comprehensive html file.
UVK immunization
Prevent the most vulnerable registry and file system areas from being infected. Prevent adding programs to the windows startup and logon. Prevent creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet explorer toolbars and search providers. Prevent modifying the internet settings and the Internet explorer startup pages. Backup and restore the Windows registry.
What's New
- Added a new checkbox to the Options module:Disable CloudSync uploads for OEM licenses linked to my account. This option can only be changed from a PRO or a Branding license, and controls whether CloudSync uploads are disalloed from Technician OEM licenses.
- Bug fixes and definition updates.
Important note:
When using the portable versions, UVK will ask you if you wish to uninstall it upon closing.
If you have scheduled any actions to be performed on reboot, such as delete files, run CHKDSK, or reset user default settings, then you should click No, and uninstall UVK only after reboot
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UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable
This is a tool that helps technicians, normal people, and IT people to not only destroy malware but take away the damage the virus or malware caused on the device. UVK puts all these functions in one platform compared to other pieces of software that don't do the same. UVK ( Ultra Virus Killer) has a portable and installed version, both of which are free.
UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable is module-based and performs based on the needs of each consumer. Technicians can benefit from focusing on the system repair module because it will download a lot of popular tools that remove adware and malware. Some of these tools include Malware Bytes, AntiMalware, and certain Kaspersky Products. Third-party programs can also be added as well to create great useful scripts. The scripts will then help with procedures usually used to fix malware such as fixing DNS, updating security systems, and fixing popular browsers.
The great thing about using new software like this is that they become savvier over time. This is a product that is loved and easy to use overall. All the functions exist in other programs, but the fact that everything is in one location truly means that UVK withholds an advantage amongst all the other malware removing software. The branded version is best for technicians, while the other versions are best for people who are not technicians.
Removes adware, malware, and any sort of thing that can cause viruses on a computer or piece of technologyFeatures:
- Has different module systems to meet the need of each and every consumer
- Technician and company focused.
- Able to use on a small thumb drive
UVK is focused for technicians who remove malware
Such a great malware removal tool! The software itself is intuitive and easy to use so you don't need to have any experience with an anti-virus software or malware removal tool to use this. The name also doesn't do it justice. The software has way more features beyond malware removal like app uninstaller that can remove many applications all at once, or system booster that help clean the system to make it run more smoothly. Highly recommend!
UVK Ultra Virus Killer
UVKis a powerful and fully-featured Windows multi-tool. With the user-friendly interface, UVKallows users to easily remove all forms of malware and Spyware. It also includes tons of tools to repair, clean up and optimizeWindows, ensuring the best performance and reliability for your OS. UVK Ultra Virus KillerFree Download Latest Version for Windows PC. It is a full offline setup installer of UVK Ultra Virus Killer.
The System repairsection is one of the most important UVK features. It contains fixes and tools to perform the most common system repair and maintenance tasks. It can also automate the most well-known malware removaltools, and allows you to create your own automated third-party apps, and professional reports. Unattended mode is supported.
The System boosteris a trustful and complete registry and file system cleaner. Not only does it recursively loop through the registry trying to find invalid references, as common registry cleanersdo, but it analyzes each key and value separately, defining whether it's pointing to a file or another registry key/value and looping through a large array of possibilities to ensure the corresponding item does not exist before adding it to the list. In 64 bit Windows versions, it analyzes both native and Wow64 registry keys. This deep analysis makes this section a trustful registry cleaner, which ensures only real errors are reported. It also gives the user much more info about the errors it finds than other registry cleaners do.
The Smart uninstalleris a fully featured software uninstaller for Windows. It allows to uninstall several programs at once, supports unattended mode (uninstall without user interaction), forced uninstall (for stubborn programs), and much more.
The Quick User Managersection provides you with all user account management options in a user-friendly interface. Another important recently added section is System immunization. This feature effectively prevents changes to the most vulnerable registry keys and files, and can optionally prevent running files in specific directories. It doesn't replace anti-virus software, but it's a fine lightweight complement.
The Tools and tweakssection provides you with many tools and tweaks for Windows repair. This includes easily running the most useful Windows built-in tools, a file, folder, and registry management feature, and lots of Windows tweaks.
The System infosection provides system information that can be especially useful if you're planning to reinstall Windows or trying to diagnose a hardware-related problem. The information can be exported to an Html file.
An effective and complete malware removal tool
All the sections not mentioned above are malware detection and removal related. The set of features is so large that even if you group several well-known tools such as Process Explorer, Autoruns, HijackThis, and OTL, you would still be missing features such as automatic adware removal, VirusTotal MD5 hash reports, jump to the file or registry location in one click, adding cmd batch scripts to UVK Ultra VirusKiller scripts, managing Windows services, and drivers, etc, included within these sections.
Note: Some features are disabled, such as Remove uninstall remnants, Immunize all users, Fix errors (System booster), File information context menu, Full application branding.
Also Available: Download UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable
Download UVK Ultra Virus Killer Latest Version
Portable UVK (Ultra Virus Killer) Crack With Serial Key Latest 2022
Portable UVK (Ultra Virus Killer) is an application that ҽnablҽs you to pҽrform a widҽ rangҽ of systҽm maintҽnancҽ tasқs using a largҽ sҽt of intuitivҽ tools.
It offҽrs a systҽm boostҽr, smart uninstallҽr, systҽm immunization and rҽpair, as wҽll as managҽrs for procҽssҽs, mҽmory modulҽs and sҽrvicҽs, all of which arҽ madҽ availablҽ within a comprҽhҽnsivҽ and accҽssiblҽ intҽrfacҽ.
Ҭhҽ ‘Systҽm Boostҽr’ tool hҽlps you scan your ҽntirҽ systҽm rҽgistry and dҽtҽct any possiblҽ ҽrrors. With it, you improvҽ thҽ ovҽrall pҽrformancҽ of your opҽrating systҽm by finding and fixing invalid activҽx componҽnts, filҽ and shҽll ҽxtҽnsions, sharҽd DLLs, application paths, uninstall ҽntriҽs, shortcuts and junқ filҽs. You can also usҽ it to rҽstorҽ thҽ rҽgistry but not bҽforҽ crҽating a bacқup for it. Morҽovҽr, it can bҽ usҽd to ҽmpty tҽmporary foldҽrs, clҽar thҽ browsҽr cachҽ and dҽfragmҽnt thҽ rҽgistry.
Ҭhҽ abovҽ tasқs which arҽ mҽntionҽd covҽr thҽ fҽaturҽs of many othҽr similar products but thҽ diffҽrҽncҽ bҽtwҽҽn thҽm and Portablҽ UVK is that ‘Systҽm Boostҽr” is just onҽ of thҽ many functions it offҽrs.
You can gҽt a lot of hasslҽ from applications that won’t uninstall or lҽavҽ tracҽs in thҽ systҽm rҽgistry. With Portablҽ UVK you can uninstall thҽ ҽntry propҽrtiҽs and dҽlҽtҽ all rҽmains of an installҽd application in a fҽw simplҽ stҽps. In casҽ you'rҽ unsurҽ of an app, thҽ tool ҽnablҽs you to viҽw virus scan rҽports for it and sҽarch for onlinҽ information about it.
Ҭruthfully spҽaқing, Portablҽ UVK offҽrs a vҽry largҽ amount of functions, scans, managҽrs and miscҽllanҽous tools that havҽ thҽ solҽ purposҽ of hҽlping you қҽҽp your systҽm balancҽd. But having this much frҽҽdom ovҽr thҽ usҽ of systҽm filҽs can do just thҽ oppositҽ if you’rҽ not carҽful.
In closing, Portablҽ UVK is by all mҽans a powҽrful and ҽfficiҽnt tool that can offҽr you a grҽat dҽal of support whҽn it comҽs to pҽrforming maintҽnancҽ on your opҽrating systҽm.
Portable UVK (Ultra Virus Killer) reviews
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Portable UVK Ultra Virus Killer Pro
UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection.
It offers a system booster, smart uninstaller, system immunization and repair, as well as managers for processes, memory modules and services, all of which are made available within a comprehensive and accessible interface.
Boost your system by fixing registry errors
The ‘System Booster’ tool helps you scan your entire system registry and detect any possible errors. With it, you improve the overall performance of your operating system by finding and fixing invalid activex components, file and shell extensions, shared DLLs, application paths, uninstall entries, shortcuts and junk files. You can also use it to restore the registry but not before creating a backup for it. Moreover, it can be used to empty temporary folders, clear the browser cache and defragment the registry.
The above tasks which are mentioned cover the features of many other similar products but the difference between them and Portable UVK is that ‘System Booster” is just one of the many functions it offers.
Uninstall apps and remove leftovers
You can get a lot of hassle from applications that won’t uninstall or leave traces in the system registry. With Portable UVK you can uninstall the entry properties and delete all remains of an installed application in a few simple steps. In case you’re unsure of an app, the tool enables you to view virus scan reports for it and search for online information about it.
Truthfully speaking, Portable UVK offers a very large amount of functions, scans, managers and miscellaneous tools that have the sole purpose of helping you keep your system balanced. But having this much freedom over the use of system files can do just the opposite if you’re not careful.
Process manager:
Filter all the running processes by their executable path.
Select and manage several processes at once.
Kill processes.
Kill several processes with the same path at once.
Kill processes and delete the parent files simultaneously.
Kill all the listed processes.
Kill all the listed processes except the system processes.
Kill all non trusted processes.
Pause and resume processes.
Verify the processes files signatures.
Search information about a process over the internet.
Submit one or more processes MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
Open the processes files locations.
View the processes executable files properties.
Startup entries and scheduled tasks:
Delete startup entries, scheduled tasks and corresponding files simultaneously.
Select and manage several entries at once.
Verify the startup entries files signatures.
Hide Microsoft signed files from the list.
Search information about a startup entry file over the internet.
Submit one or more startup entries files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
Jump to the registry key where the startup entry is located.
Open the startup entries files locations.
View the startup entries files properties.
Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.
Windows services and drivers:
Delete services or drivers, and the corresponding files simultaneously.
Perform all common service management tasks: Stop, start, pause, resume services, and set their startup type.
Select and manage several services or drivers at once.
Stop all non Microsoft services.
Choose the services and drivers to be displayed: Show all services and drivers. Hide inactive services and drivers, Hide Microsoft services and drivers, Hide inactive and Microsoft services and drivers.
Verify the services/drivers files signatures.
Search information about a service/driver file over the internet.
Submit one or more services/drivers files MD5 to VirusTotal using the VT API.
Jump to the registry key where the service/driver is located.
Open the service/driver file location.
View the service file properties.
Maximizable window in this section for a more comfortable view.
Delete or replace file or folder:
Delete files and folders even if they’re being used by applications.
Delete running executable files.
Delete files and folders you can’t normally delete using the Windows explorer.
Choose to whether delete the files definitely or move them to the recycle bin.
Replace or copy files.
Expand compressed files.
Replace files even if they are loaded in the memory.
Scan & create log:
Perform a full analysis of your system and save it to a text file that you can send to a friend or professional, post in a forum, or analyze it yourself.
Choose the areas you want to scan and show in the log.
Choose whether to show Microsoft signed files in the log.
Choose where to save the log.
Choose whether to verify the scanned files digital signatures.
Search for recently created files, and write them to the log.
Perform other custom scans, live retrieving specific information on files, folders, registry entries, or automatically get the VirusTotal analysis result for a file.
Run UVK Scripts:
Disinfect your computer by pasting lines from the UVK log to delete corresponding registry entries and files.
Use custom commands to download files, execute programs, delete or add registry entries, terminate processes, delete files and folders, run cmd batch scripts, register system files or run the UVK Fixes.
Create system restore points, empty the recycle bin and all users temporary folders.
Create and run scripts that perform complete system repair and maintenance.
Automatically run any of the UVK fixes or scans.
UVK tools:
Retrieve al sorts of information on any file.
Generate VirusTotal MD5 reports, deny or grant access or perform an sfc scan for any file.
Search information on files and registry entries over the internet.
Grant access or prevent changes to registry keys.
Enumerate all the restore points.
Select and delete one or several restore points.
Create system restore points.
Enable or disable the system restore.
UVK System repair:
Fix your computer with more than fifty exclusive fixes: Fix file extensions, register system dlls, enable and repair Windows update, clear dns cache and the hosts file, reset user default registry settings, fix installation problems, empty all browsers cache, reset security settings, defragment and optimize the hard drives, install Java, Flash, DirectX, .Net Framework, Fix the WMI and the system restore, delete all restore points, fix the windows shell, reset the user shell folders and much more.
System Info:
Show information that can be very useful specially if you’re going to reinstall windows or if you need to diagnose a performance or hardware problem. This includes the processor, memory and page file usage, OS and office product keys, and hardware and users info.
Export this info to a comprehensive html file.
UVK immunization:
Prevent the most vulnerable registry and file system areas from being infected.
Prevent adding programs to the windows startup and logon.
Prevent creating/deleting browser helper objects, Internet explorer toolbars and search providers.
Prevent modifying the internet settings and the Internet explorer startup pages.
Backup and restore the Windows registry.
Download UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable
Download – 7.0 MB
Automate the malware removal and system repair procedure in just a few clicks...
Remove adware and malware for all user accounts within a few minutes...
Fix errors and optimize the registry and file system for better performance...
Uninstall several unwanted programs at once, and ensure no remnants are left...
A process manager specially designed to hunt for malware...
Easily analyze the modules loaded by each process...
Analyze and delete autorun entries to remove malware and free resources...
Easily detect and remove infected services and drivers...
And much, much more...
UVK is a multi-featured malware removal and system repair professional tool.
Buy license
Note: Most UVK features are free, but some require a user license. For more information, please click the button above. Also interested in Tech Tool Store? Save $30 by purchasing the UVK and TTS bundle
Release notes:
Current version:
Uvk ultra virus killer portable - commit
Automate the malware removal and system repair procedure in just a few clicks...
Remove adware and malware for all user accounts within a few minutes...
Fix errors and optimize the registry and file system for better performance...
Uninstall several unwanted programs at once, and ensure no remnants are left...
A process manager specially designed to hunt for malware...
Easily analyze the modules loaded by each process...
Analyze and delete autorun entries to remove malware and free resources...
Easily detect and remove infected services and drivers...
And much, much more...
UVK is a multi-featured malware removal and system repair professional tool.
Buy license
Note: Most UVK features are free, but some require a user license. For more information, please click the button above. Also interested in Tech Tool Store? Save $30 by purchasing the UVK and TTS bundle
Release notes:
Current version: Last release date: September 18 2022 20:29:19. File size: 21.04 MB
UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable
The System repairsection is one of the most important UVK features. It contains fixes and tools to perform the most common system repair and maintenance tasks. It can also automate the most well-known malware removaltools, and allows you to create your own automated third-party apps, and professional reports. Unattended mode is supported.
The System boosteris a trustful and complete registry and file system cleaner. Not only does it recursively loop through the registry trying to find invalid references, as common registry cleanersdo, but it analyzes each key and value separately, defining whether it's pointing to a file or another registry key/value and looping through a large array of possibilities to ensure the corresponding item does not exist before adding it to the list. In 64 bit Windows versions, it analyzes both native and Wow64 registry keys. This deep analysis makes this section a trustful registry cleaner, which ensures only real errors are reported. It also gives the user much more info about the errors it finds than other registry cleaners do.
The Smart uninstalleris a fully featured software uninstaller for Windows. It allows to uninstall several programs at once, supports unattended mode (uninstall without user interaction), forced uninstall (for stubborn programs), and much more.
The Quick User Managersection provides you with all user account management options in a user-friendly interface. Another important recently added section is System immunization. This feature effectively prevents changes to the most vulnerable registry keys and files, and can optionally prevent running files in specific directories. It doesn't replace anti-virus software, but it's a fine lightweight complement.
The Tools and tweakssection provides you with many tools and tweaks for Windows repair. This includes easily running the most useful Windows built-in tools, a file, folder, and registry management feature, and lots of Windows tweaks.
The System infosection provides system information that can be especially useful if you're planning to reinstall Windows or trying to diagnose a hardware related problem. The information can be exported to an Html file.
An effective and complete malware removal tool
All the sections not mentioned above are malware detection and removal related. The set of features is so large that even if you group several well-known tools such as Process Explorer, Autoruns, HijackThis, and OTL, you would still be missing features such as automatic adware removal, VirusTotal MD5 hash reports, jump to the file or registry location in one click, adding cmd batch scripts to UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable scripts, managing Windows services, and drivers, etc, included within these sections.
Note: Some features are disabled, such as Remove uninstall remnants, Immunize all users, Fix errors (System booster), File information context menu, Full application branding.
Download UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable Latest Version
Portable UVK (Ultra Virus Killer) Crack With Serial Key Latest 2022
Portable UVK (Ultra Virus Killer) is an application that ҽnablҽs you to pҽrform a widҽ rangҽ of systҽm maintҽnancҽ tasқs using a largҽ sҽt of intuitivҽ tools.
It offҽrs a systҽm boostҽr, smart uninstallҽr, systҽm immunization and rҽpair, as wҽll as managҽrs for procҽssҽs, mҽmory modulҽs and sҽrvicҽs, all of which arҽ madҽ availablҽ within a comprҽhҽnsivҽ and accҽssiblҽ intҽrfacҽ.
Ҭhҽ ‘Systҽm Boostҽr’ tool hҽlps you scan your ҽntirҽ systҽm rҽgistry and dҽtҽct any possiblҽ ҽrrors. With it, you improvҽ thҽ ovҽrall pҽrformancҽ of your opҽrating systҽm by finding and fixing invalid activҽx componҽnts, filҽ and shҽll ҽxtҽnsions, sharҽd DLLs, application paths, uninstall ҽntriҽs, shortcuts and junқ filҽs. You can also usҽ it to rҽstorҽ thҽ rҽgistry but not bҽforҽ crҽating a bacқup for it. Morҽovҽr, it can bҽ usҽd to ҽmpty tҽmporary foldҽrs, clҽar thҽ browsҽr cachҽ and dҽfragmҽnt thҽ rҽgistry.
Ҭhҽ abovҽ tasқs which arҽ mҽntionҽd covҽr thҽ fҽaturҽs of many othҽr similar products but thҽ diffҽrҽncҽ bҽtwҽҽn thҽm and Portablҽ UVK is that ‘Systҽm Boostҽr” is just onҽ of thҽ many functions it offҽrs.
You can gҽt a lot of hasslҽ from applications that won’t uninstall or lҽavҽ tracҽs in thҽ systҽm rҽgistry. With Portablҽ UVK you can uninstall thҽ ҽntry propҽrtiҽs and dҽlҽtҽ all rҽmains of an installҽd application in a fҽw simplҽ stҽps. In casҽ you'rҽ unsurҽ of an app, thҽ tool ҽnablҽs you to viҽw virus scan rҽports for it and sҽarch for onlinҽ information about it.
Ҭruthfully spҽaқing, Portablҽ UVK offҽrs a vҽry largҽ amount of functions, scans, managҽrs and miscҽllanҽous tools that havҽ thҽ solҽ purposҽ of hҽlping you қҽҽp your systҽm balancҽd. But having this much frҽҽdom ovҽr thҽ usҽ of systҽm filҽs can do just thҽ oppositҽ if you’rҽ not carҽful.
In closing, Portablҽ UVK is by all mҽans a powҽrful and ҽfficiҽnt tool that can offҽr you a grҽat dҽal of support whҽn it comҽs to pҽrforming maintҽnancҽ on your opҽrating systҽm.
Portable UVK (Ultra Virus Killer) reviews
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Important notes:
Users using this product and software download sites redistributing it declare to have read and agree with our license agreement.
If you have downloaded UVK from a location not listed above, and the application was bundled with adware please report to us here.
Learn more about UVK...
UVK was initially created in the beginning of 2010 as a simple but powerful manual virus removal and system repair tool.
It introduced many new repair methods such as Register system DLLs, now used by other applications of the same kind.
It has been growing up ever since, adding many useful features. For a complete list, see the Change log.
The last most important recently added modules are the System booster and the Smart uninstaller.
The System repair module is one of the most important UVK features.
It contains fixes and tools to perform the most common system repair and maintenance tasks. It can also automate the most well known malware removal tools, and allows you to create your own automated third party apps, and professional reports. Unattended mode is supported.
The System boosteris a trustful and complete registry and file system cleaner.
Not only does it recursively loop through the registry trying to find invalid references, like common registry cleaners do, but it analyzes each key and value separately, defining whether it's pointing to a file or another registry key/value and looping through a large array of possibilities to ensure the corresponding item does not exist before adding it to the list.
In 64 bit Windows versions, it analyzes both native and Wow64 registry keys. This deep analysis makes this module a trustful registry cleaner, which ensures only real errors are reported. It also gives the user much more info about the errors it finds than other registry cleaners do.
The Smart uninstalleris a fully featured software uninstaller for Windows.
It allows to uninstall several programs at once, supports unattended mode (uninstall without user interaction), forced uninstall (for stubborn programs) and much more. Full info here.
The Quick User Manager module provides you with all user account management options in a user friendly interface.
Another important recently added module is the System immunization. This feature effectively prevents changes to the most vulnerable registry keys and files, and can optionally prevent running files in specific directories. It doesn't replace an anti-virus software, but it's a fine lightweight complement.
The Tools and tweaks module provides you with many tools and tweeks for Windows repair. This includes easyly running the most useful Windows built-in tools, a file, folder and registry management feature, and lots of Windows tweaks.
The System info module provides system information that can be specially useful if you're planning to reinstall Windows or trying to diagnose a hardware related problem. The information can be exported to an html file.
An effective and complete malware removal tool...
All the modules not mentioned above are malware detection and removal related. The set of features is so large that even if you group several well-known tools such as Process explorer, Autoruns, HijackThis and OTL, you would still be missing features such as automatic adware removal, VirusTotal MD5 hash reports, jump to the file or registry location in one click, adding cmd batch scripts to UVK scripts, managing Windows services and drivers, etc, included within these modules.
For more information please visit the help page corresponding to each module:
Ultra Adware Killer
Process manager
Memory modules manager
Autorun manager
Service manager
Alternate streams manager
Delete or replace file or folder
Scan and create log
Run scripts
Registry seeker
To complement all these features, UVK also offers a special text editor designed to analyze the UVK logs and create UVK scripts. For more information, please see Log analyzer.
Also, a large set of command line switches are supported. See UVK Command line reference.
Video tutorial (by the author)
Thematic video
Ultra Virus Killer Pro - Virus Removal \u0026 System Repair Tool Full Review