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How to Generate Cryptographically Secure License Keys in 2022
Generating and verifying license keys is a common requirement for a lot commercial software these days. From desktop applications such as those built on frameworks like Electron or Qt, to dual-licensed open source packages and libraries like Sidekiq, to a variety of other on-premise software applications and dependencies.
They all have one common denominator: the need for secure licensing.
But as an independent software vendor (ISV), you may be asking yourself — "what technology should I choose for software licensing in 2021?"
Well, before we get to the answer, we need to understand a bit of history.
The 2 big attack vectors for licensing
When it comes to software licensing, the key generation and verification algorithms vendors choose can make or break a licensing system. After an algorithm has been compromised, a vendor can no longer trust any previously generated license keys, including those belonging to legit end-users.
When this happens, there are a couple things we can do:
- Move to an online licensing server, where we can check keys against a list of valid keys. If you choose to build an in-house licensing system, this can be incredibly expensive, both up-front and in the long-term. This can also limit our application's license checks to online-only, which may be less than ideal.
- Move to a modern license key algorithm. This resolution has the rather unfortunate side-effect of invalidating all previously generated license keys, including those belonging to legit end-users, requiring a migration plan.
Both of these solutions can come at a huge cost, both in terms of end-user trust, support costs, as well as engineering resources. Suffice it to say, it's a bad situation. And ideally, what we want to do is avoid the situation entirely, by choosing a modern, secure license key algorithm from the get-go.
But before we cover how, let's take a quick look at a couple of the largest attack vectors for licensing, which may help us understand how to defend against them.
Software cracking
Software "cracking" is the act of directly modifying the source code of a software application to bypass its licensing system entirely. As much as vendors hate to hear it: all applications installed on an end-users device are susceptible to cracking.
(After all, an application is simply made up of bits and bytes, ones and zeroes, stored locally, and those can always be modified no matter how hard a vendor may try.)
But doesn't that mean licensing is a fool's errand? Not at all. Licensing can be a powerful deterrent against casual piracy, especially for applications that utilize a modern licensing system. More importantly, a good licensing system can help you get visibility into application usage, it can provide distribution and update services, and a great system can help you maximize your software's revenue potential by highlighting natural up-sell opportunities, such as when an end-user attempts to utilize more device seats than they've been allotted.
Software cracks usually only work for a single version of a particular application, since the application code itself is modified to bypass any license checks (meaning a software update often requires an updated crack for the new application code.) Distributing a cracked version of an application falls on the bad actor.
Cracks are one of the more common attack vectors for software applications.
Software keygens
The other major attack vector is known as a software "keygen", which is much more ominous. As its name may imply, a keygen is a form of software, often a separate program or webpage, that generates valid license keys, i.e. a key-generator, or "keygen."
Most software vendors have some type of license keygen, which they keep secret. For example, after a user submits a successful purchase order, part of the order process calls a key generator, which generates a valid, legitimate license key for the new customer.
But when it comes to vulnerable, legacy license key algorithms, a bad actor may also be able to accomplish a similar feat — generating valid, albeit illegitimate, license keys, granted they put in some effort to reverse-engineer the algorithm.
Depending on your key generation algorithm, a keygen like this may only be able to generate valid key for a single version of an application. But in the worst case, a bad actor can create a keygen that generates valid license keys that work across all versions of an application, requiring a complete upheaval of the product's licensing system.
Fun fact: we chose the name "Keygen" for it's true meaning — a license key generator. We don't use proprietary algorithms that can be reverse-engineered, like the olden days. Rather, we lean on modern cryptography — the same algorithms used for the Internet's security and used by government agencies such as the NSA — to generate secure license keys.
It's also worth mentioning that keygens are much more valuable to bad actors than cracks, because a keygen can be used on the real application, vs the bad actor having to distribute a modified, cracked version of the application.
The legacy license key algorithm
Now, we've alluded to this legacy algorithm, which is actually still in use to this day by a number of software vendors. It's called Partial Key Verification, and although it may seem like a good-enough system, it is security through obscurity.
Why? Let's dive in and find out.
Partial key verification
These days, writing a partial key verification (PKV) algorithm is actually more work than simply doing it the right way. But for the sake of understanding, let's write our own partial key verification system. And then we're going to break it.
A quick definition of PKV
Partial Key Verification is a software license key algorithm that partitions a product key into multiple "subkeys." With each new version of your product, your license key verification algorithm will check a different subset of a license's subkeys.
It's called partial key verification because the verification algorithm never tests the full license key, it only tests a subset of subkeys. (Or so they say.)
I'd recommend reading the above blog post by Brandon from 2007, with his partial serial number verification system being written in Delphi. But if you're not into Delphi, we'll be porting the partial key verification algorithm to Node.
An implementation of PKV
The main components of a PKV key are the seed value and its subkeys (together referred to as the serial), and then a checksum. The subkeys are derived from the unique seed value, accomplished using bit twiddling, and the checksum is to ensure that the serial (seed + subkeys) does not contain a typo. (Yes… in the olden days, a person actually had to input license keys by-hand.)
We're not going to get into the specifics on each of these components, e.g. how the checksum works, since Brandon's post covers all of that in detail.
With that said, let's assume the role of a business that is about to release a new application. We're going to write a keygen that we, the business, can use to generate legitimate keys for our end-users after they purchase our product.
Our PKV keygen should be a tightly kept trade secret, because with it comes the power to craft license keys at-will. But we'll soon realize, much to our demise, keeping a PKV keygen secret is actually not possible.
So, without further ado — let's begin.
Here's what a PKV keygen looks like:
Yeah — it's a lot to take in. Most readers won't be comfortable with all of those magic numbers and the nifty bit-twiddling. (And rightly so — it is confusing, even to me, as I port over the Delphi code and write this post.)
But with that, let's generate our first license key:
Next, let's break down this new key, . Let's recall the components of a key: the seed, its subkeys, and the checksum.
In this case, we can strip away the dashes and see our components:
Now, a keygen for production-use may have more subkeys, or the subkeys may be arranged or intermingled differently, but the algorithm is still going to be more or less the same. As will the algorithm's vulnerabilities.
So, how do we verify these license keys?
Well, let's remember, the "P" in "PKV" stands for "partial" — Partial Key Verification. Our license key verification algorithm should only verify one subkey at a time, which we can rotate as-needed, or per version of our app.
Here's what the verification algorithm looks like:
The gist of the verification algorithm is that we firstly check key formatting, then we'll verify the checksum is valid. Next, we'll verify the format of the seed value, which if we recall is the first 8 characters of the serial.
And then we hit the meat and potatoes of PKV: verifying the nth subkey.
If you notice, is deriving an expected 0th subkey from the seed value. We then compare the expected 0th subkey to our license key's actual 0th subkey. If the subkeys don't match, the license key is not valid.
But if we're including the exact 0th subkey parameters, which are used by our secret keygen, in our application code, isn't that bad? Absolutely! This is how we break PKV. And thus comes the moment we've all been waiting for — let's write an 'illegal' keygen.
Writing a keygen
Let's assume the role of a bad actor. And let's review what we know so far:
- The current version of the application verifies the 0th subkey.
- The 0th subkey is located at indices 8 and 9: .
- We possess the parameters to generate a valid 0th subkey: .
Let's write a keygen, using only the operations contained within the verification code, that generates a license key with a valid 0th subkey.
That's a lot of zeroes. Further, the only components that are not zeroed out are the 0th subkey, and the checksum. But this can't possibly be a valid key, right?
Shoot — that's not good.
Well, actually… it's good for 'us', the bad actor; bad for the business whose application we just wrote a working keygen for. We need only increment the hexadecimal seed value to generate more valid license keys:
Which we can then inspect,
And as expected,
Well, that's doubly not good, for them. And as Murphy's Law would predict, this keygen has just been submitted to a popular online message board that the business has no control over. The keygen grows in popularity, sales dip, stakeholders are unhappy.
What can be done?
Verifying the next subkey
Let's assume the role of the business once again. We need to fix this. Luckily, our chosen key algorithm lets us go from verifying the 0th subkey, to verifying the 1st subkey. All we have to do is adjust the subkey parameters:
Let's quickly make this change and push out a silent update to limit any further damage this bad actor can inflict. Luckily, our app auto-updates so this should be a fast fix.
Problem solved, right?
Not quite.
Writing another keygen
Let's reclaim our role as bad actor. Users of our keygen are claiming that it no longer works, which is weird because it was most definitely working before. They're paying us in cryptocurrency, and even though we're a bad guy, we like to keep our customers happy.
We note: the first variable that has changed is that the application seems to have updated itself. After poking around the new version, we reassess the situation.
And these are the facts:
- The new version of the application no longer verifies the 0th subkey.
- The new version of the application now verifies the 1st subkey.
- The 1st subkey is located at indices 10 and 11: .
- We possess the parameters to generate a valid 1st subkey: .
See a pattern?
All 'they' did was move from verifying the 0th subkey to the 1st subkey. Let's adjust our keygen program so that it generates valid product keys once again:
Which produces a new license key,
And, once again, as expected,
We can do this all day. All we need is some 90s KeyGen music.
As the business using PKV, we can continue adjusting our nth subkey verification as-needed to combat these keygens as they pop up. We have alerts set up for various indicator keywords and everything.
But there's a major problem. (It may not be a problem now, but it will be soon.)
Do you see it?
It's simple: once we start verifying the 2nd subkey, which the bad actor will once again write a keygen for, and then the 3rd subkey, we'll eventually run out of subkeys. Even if we use 100 subkeys, running out is inevitable.
What does that mean, to "run out"?
It means that after we've rotated through verifying each of our subkeys, in our clever attempt at combatting the keygens, we'll soon have no more recourse. Sure, we can start blacklisting seed values directly in our application code, but that's a fool's errand when there's something worse than running out of subkeys.
What's "worse"?
Well, at the end of this scenario, once all subkey parameters have been leaked, the bad actor can fully replicate our secret keygen! (After all, we've literally given them the keys to our castle. It was a slow trickle, but they were patient.)
It's game over after they get those.
So, what's the point?
To be frank, Partial Key Verification is a lot of work, especially for a key algorithm that we will eventually leak in its entirety. PKV is flawed by its very nature. Sure, the more subkeys there are, the longer it will take to leak the entire algorithm. Maybe that's awhile. Or maybe the bad actor isn't sophisticated enough to keep a record of subkey parameters.
But at the end of the day, we're still leaking our secrets!
Things that are wrong with PKV:
- You leak the license key generation algorithm over time. (I can't stress this enough!)
- You eventually have to maintain a blacklist of leaked/illegitimate keys.
- Given enough legitimate keys, your algorithm can be deduced.
- It's hard to embed data into a key (e.g. max app version).
- It's incredibly complex.
A quick tangent —
Most application licensing boils down to code that looks like this:
Some applications will have a central point in the bytecode where this check happens, but others harden their system by inlining the license key checks, making the work of a bad actor wanting to crack the software much, much harder. But licensing is all essentially the same: it's a series of conditionals.
With that in mind, there's no benefit to using PKV, a licensing scheme that will eventually leak its secrets to any bad actor that is looking, vs. modern cryptography. It's not more secure, it's not easier to distribute, and it doesn't protect you from keygens. PKV is, by design, security through obscurity. And it should no longer be used.
So what's the alternative?
Modern license key algorithms
When choosing a modern license key algorithm, we have a quite a few solid options. For example, our API supports a variety of cryptographic schemes for license keys, from elliptic-curve signatures, to RSA signatures and even encryption. Today, we'll be covering elliptic-curve and RSA-2048 signatures.
Cryptography is a wide space, but we're going to focus on asymmetric, or public-key, cryptography. The way these asymmetric cryptographic schemes work is that they have a private key, and a public key. You take some data and create a signature of it using the private key, which can be verified using the public key. Verification is essentially an authenticity check, "was this data signed by the private key?"
As the names imply, the private key is our secret (i.e. it's never shared), the public key is public. In our case, we're going to embed the public key into our application code.
There are symmetric schemes, such as AES-128, which forego public and private keys, and instead use a shared secret key. But those aren't useful for license keys because we'd have to embed our secret key into our code to verify license keys, which would give a bad actor the ability to write a keygen (which was the end result of our PKV implementation).
At the end of today, our cryptographic license keys are going to end up looking like this:
The license keys we generate may differ in length, depending on the cryptographic scheme we use, but the format is going to stay the same: some encoded data, a delimiter ".", and a cryptographic signature of the data. (This is more or less the same format our API uses for cryptographic keys.)
Let's start with asymmetric elliptic-curves.
Elliptic-curve cryptography
We aren't going to be doing a deep-dive into elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) today, but that link should curb the curious. Within the ECC category, there are a myriad of different algorithms. Today, we'll be exploring Ed25519, a modern implementation of a Schnorr signature system using elliptic-curve groups.
Ed25519 provides a 128-bit security level, the same security level as AES-128, NIST P-256, and RSA-3072. (Meaning, yes, it's good.)
An implementation of ECC
Now, rather than write our own crypto, we're going to be using Node's standard module, which as of Node 12, supports Ed25519.
Let's generate our private and public keys, or more succinctly, our keypair.
After generating our keypair, we're going to want to keep those encoded keys in a safe place. We'll use the private signing key for our keygen, and we'll use the public verify key to verify authenticity of license keys within our application.
Let's write our license keygen. Thankfully, it's a lot simpler than our PKV code:
Once again, we can strip away any delimiters and see our components:
What's great about this license key format is that we can embed any dataset into it that we need. Right now, we're embedding the customer's email, but we could include other information as well, such as order ID, key expiration date, entitlements, and more. (It could even be a JSON object, which is actually the default for our API.)
One downside is that the more data you embed, the larger the license keys will become. But in the real world, this isn't really an issue, since the majority of users will copy-and-paste their license keys, as opposed to typing them in by hand.
So, what about verifying the keys? Again, it's pretty simple:
That's all the code you would need to add to your application to verify license keys (minus implementation details like prompting the user for their license key, etc.)
Another major downside is that Ed25519 may not be supported in many programming languages, outside of third-party dependencies. Most modern programming languages, given the version is up-to-date should support it. For example, Node introduced support in Node 12; but Ruby, however, still lacks support in the standard library.
So, what's another alternative?
RSA cryptography
RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman), is a widely supported cryptography system, and it's one of the oldest systems still in use. Like ECC, it's an asymmetric cryptography system, meaning it uses public-private keypairs to verify and sign data, respectively.
Due to its age, you may find outdated advice online recommending 512-bit keys, or even smaller. A modern use of RSA should utilize 2048-, 3072- or 4096-bit keys. The higher the bit size, the higher the security level. (Though, we should also keep in mind: the higher the bit size, the longer the signatures will be.)
For our implementation, we're going to use RSA-2048.
An implementation of RSA
We're going to be returning to our old friend, Node's module. It has full support for RSA, like most programming languages do. Our RSA license keygen will be very similar to its ECC counterpart.
So, let's generate an RSA keypair: (Brace yourself.)
Right off the bat, we can see that RSA's keys are much, much larger the Ed25519's. But that's okay, they both get us to our end goal: a cryptographically secure licensing system. Again, you'll want to store these keys in a safe place. As before, and as the names imply, the private key is private, and the public key can be public.
And as expected, like our keypair, our license keys are also much larger. But they're secure. And remember, most users copy-and-paste, so length doesn't really matter. (You could even wrap license keys in a file, which makes distribution a breeze. But that's just an implementation detail.)
Let's break down the license key into its dataset and signature components:
That signature, aye? If we were to use a smaller key size, the signature size could be reduced, but we shouldn't sacrifice security for such a thing. RSA-512 can be broken within days, for less than $100 in compute-power. Similarly, even RSA-1024 can be broken, though for a much larger sum. RSA-2048 would take around a billion years to break on modern systems (quantum computing aside.)
Suffice it to say — RSA-2048 is a safe choice in 2021. RSA-3072, even moreso.
But I digress —
Similarly to ECC, verifying an RSA license key is a rather painless process:
Once again, it takes less than 10 lines of code to verify license keys within your application. Our RSA implementation can be improved by using a more modern non-deterministic padding scheme, PKCS1-PSS (which our API also supports.)
Caveats and summary
We've learned how legacy licensing systems, such as Partial Key Verification, can be compromised by a bad actor, and how PKV is insecure by-design. We even wrote a PKV keygen ourselves. We then wrote a couple secure licensing systems using modern cryptography, implementing Ed25519 and RSA-2048 signature verification.
Okay, okay — after all we've been through with PKV…
You may be asking yourself —
"What about keygens?"
The good news is that unless a bad actor can break Ed25519 or RSA-2048, writing a keygen is effectively impossible. Besides, if a bad actor can break Ed25519 or RSA-2048 in 2021, we'll have much bigger things to worry about, anyways.
But remember, a crack != a keygen, so your application's licensing always runs the risk of being circumvented via code modification. But license keys cannot be forged when you utilize a licensing system built on modern cryptography.
(When it comes to cracking, we can defend against some low-hanging-fruit, but we'll leave that topic for another day.)
Now, where does a licensing server fit in?
Generating and verifying the authenticity of cryptographically signed license keys like we've covered will work great for a lot of licensing needs. The implementation is straight forward, it's secure, and these types of license keys work especially great for offline-first perpetual licenses (or a timed license with an embedded, immutable expiry).
But coupled with a modern licensing server, cryptographic keys can be used to implement more complex licensing models, such as these popular ones:
- An entitlement-based model that gates access to certain features or versions of an application by a license's entitlements. For example, Sublime Text 4 allows for a few years of updates, but after a license expires, only the versions within that 3 year window can be accessed, according to the license's entitlements.
- A node-locked or floating model where a license is limited to the number of devices it can be used on at one time. For example, Sketch allows you to purchase licenses by seat-count, where a user can activate and deactivate device "seats."
- Device-locked timed trials where a device can sign up for a single trial, without risk of the user signing up for a second, third or fourth trial.
But rather than build a licensing server in-house, that's where our software licensing API can come in and save your team time and money.
Until next time.
If you find any errors in my code, or if you can think of ways to improve things, ping me via Twitter.
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Licence Key Generation and Verification for .NET
A common requirement for software vendors is the inclusion of a system for generating and verifying passwords, which can be bundled with distributed desktop software, or for granting access to online services. App Software's .NET Licence Key Generator provides a robust, lightweight and tested means of solving this problem.
.NET Licence Key Generator implements a 'Partial Number Verification System', which along with other features, provides a defence against key generators which may be built to attempt to crack your licence key system.
Credit to Brandon Staggs who wrote this article on implementing a partial number verification system in Delphi, from which this C# borrows: http://www.brandonstaggs.com/2007/07/26/implementing-a-partial-serial-number-verification-system-in-delphi/
Key benefits of implementing your licence system with the .NET Licence Key Generator are:
- No 'Phone Home' to verify licence keys is required.
- Ability to revoke licence keys if keys found to have been distributed without authorisation.
- Compiled key verification code cannot be fully reproduced to allow the creation of a key generator (keygen) as full key data is not required for verification.
- Light weight and fast code execution, tested up to 1,000,000 key generation and verification cycles in 10.2 seconds.
.NET Licence Key Generator targets .NET Standard 1.0. This means that this library can be used with:
- .NET Core 1.0 +
- .NET Framework 4.5 +
For full .NET Standard implementation support see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard
Note: The legacy .NET Framework 2.0 version is retained in this repository under but be aware that the API was changed in the port to .NET standard, will vary significantly from the samples included below and will not be maintained going forward.
In your application that is responsible for generating the licence keys, reference the AppSoftware.LicenceEngine.KeyGenerator NuGet package.
In the application for which a licence key is to be verified (this could be an application you distribute to your end user), reference the AppSoftware.LicenceEngine.KeyVerification NuGet package. Do not reference the AppSoftware.LicenceEngine.KeyGenerator in code that will will be compiled into software that will be distributed to the end user.
Sample code is included in this repository under
Licence Key Generator Application Sample
A full sample application for generating licence keys is as follows:
Licence Key Verification Application Sample
Verifying the licence key generated in the above sample code can be achieved as below:
How it works
To generate a licence key we essentially need two things:
- A set of arbitrary 'key' bytes that are unique to the application that we want to protect. You are responsible for choosing a random set of bytes to use as your 'keys'
- A seed that is unique to the context in which a key is being generated, e.g. 1 licence key for 1 user, or 1 licence key for 1 user application id combination.
Together, the seed and the byte keys will control the key that is produced. What is unique to this system, is that when verifying the licence key, you only test a subset of the total byte keys used to generate the full key. This means that the full set of key bytes used to create the licence key does not have to be included in the distributed software, and therefore it is harder to create a keygen to crack the keys you generate. An attacker does not have all the information to fully reverse engineer your key verification system.
With this system, you are able to vary the keys tested on new builds for published versions of your software, and you have the option of generating new byte key sets for new versions.
You can vary the number of byte keys used to make longer, stronger keys. Your validation code will need to know how many keys were used in the generation of a key.
Remember that no distributed software can be protected 100% against attackers. Whatever the technique used to generate a licence key system, all distributed software has the potential to be decompiled and modified to that licence key verification is skipped entirely. Depending on the context in which you distribute your software, you may need to employ obfuscation and other security techniques to make this less likely. Our system provides a simple programming interface, that helps to create a user friendly, attacker resistant means of implementing licence key functionality in your application.
Terms of use
App Software Ltd and our partners accept no liability for any loss or damage to physical property or intellectual property arising as a result of using our products.
Users of our software, licensed or otherwise are expected to undertake their own thorough testing and assessment for suitability of our products before integrating with their solutions.
Funding and Sponsorship:
This project is currently free open source distributed under the below licence.
If you are using this project within or on behalf of a for-profit commercial organisation, or including in software that is to be redistributed we ask you to sponsor this organisation so that we can continue to maintain and develop this and other open source projects further.
Sponsorship can be set up via GitHub sponsors:
Thank you, your support is greatly appreciated!
Copyright © 2020 http://www.appsoftware.com Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/
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Well, if you have ever used premium software, you might know that serial keys or key codes are mainly required during the installation. Sometimes, the Serial key might be necessary after using a program youtube by click 2.2.95 crack Free Activators a certain period.
However, what if you don’t have a serial key but still need to install the program again? Yes, crack + license key, you can always choose to buy a premium key, but what if I tell you that you can get serial keys of premium software for free?
It’s possible to grab the premium key of any software for free. However, there’s no sure shot method or site to obtain the serial keys. It would help if you researched on your own to figure out a solution for yourself.
Also read: 10 Free Software To Delete Undeletable Files On Windows
4 Best Ways To Find Serial Key Of Any Software
In this article, we have decided to share three ways to find any software’s serial key. These methods would help you to find the serial key of any software from the internet. So, let’s check out the best ways to find the serial key of any software.
1) Using Google Search Trick
It’s a Google Dork trick that will help you find the serial key of any software. In this method, you must search your software with a serial code. It will display lots of serial codes. Just try these serial keys to check whether the program activates or not. Follow some of the simple steps given below.
- First of all, go to Google Search.
- Next, search for your software name and add a code prefix like ’94FBR’ or ’86ABC’ at the end. For example – “Photoshop 94FBR“.
- The search results would display lots of product keys.
- It would help if you tried different product keys until you find the one that activates your program.
That’s it! You are done. This is how you can use Google search results to find serial keys of any software.
2) Key Finder Software
Certain types of software available on the web let you find serial keys of any software. However, there are few risks associated with such software. Some critical finder software was filled with malicious script, whereas others were filled with adware and viruses.
So, don’t use these key finder software until and unless you urgently require the activation key. Also, before downloading any crack + license key, make sure to check the reviews. Also, make sure to download the software from trustable sources.
3) Using Key Finder Websites
Well, there are lots of websites available on the crack + license key that claims to offer serial keys to premium software. We don’t know whether the keys work or not, but still, you can give your luck a try. Search for free premium keys + software name on Google to find Key finder websites. It will list down the sites offering the premium key codes.
Just open those websites and copy & paste the codes on the software code text field.
4) Using Cracked Software
If you cannot find a program’s serial key, then you can use the cracked version of the software. You will usually find the cracked software on Torrent websites like The Pirate Bay, IsoHunt, etc. Even the cracked version of Photoshop is available on the web. For a complete list of torrent websites, check out the article – Best Working Torrent Sites To Download Software.
The cracked version removes the activation process. This way, you will no longer be asked to enter the activation key to activate the software. However, Cracked Software was also filled crack + license key viruses and malware.
So, this article is about finding the serial key of any software. I hope this article helped you! Please share crack + license key with your friends also.
Karanpreet Singh
For bespoke software development and consulting email mail@appsoftware.com
Licence Key Generation and Verification for .NET
A common requirement for software vendors is the inclusion of a system for generating and verifying passwords, which can be bundled with distributed desktop software, or for granting access to online services. App Software's .NET Licence Key Generator provides a robust, lightweight and tested means of solving this problem.
.NET Licence Key Generator implements a 'Partial Number Verification System', which along with other features, crack + license key, provides a defence against key generators which may be built to attempt to crack your licence key system.
Credit to Brandon Staggs who wrote this article on implementing a partial number verification system crack + license key Delphi, from which this C# borrows: http://www.brandonstaggs.com/2007/07/26/implementing-a-partial-serial-number-verification-system-in-delphi/
Key benefits of implementing your licence system with the .NET Licence Key Generator are:
- No 'Phone Home' to verify licence keys is required.
- Ability to revoke licence keys if keys found to have been distributed without authorisation.
- Compiled key verification code cannot be fully reproduced to allow the creation of a key generator (keygen) as full key data is not required for verification.
- Light weight and fast code execution, tested up to 1,000,000 key generation and verification cycles in 10.2 seconds.
.NET Licence Key Generator targets .NET Standard 1.0. This means that this library can be used with:
- .NET Core 1.0 +
- .NET Framework 4.5 +
For full .NET Standard implementation support see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard
Note: The legacy .NET Framework 2.0 version is retained in this repository under but be aware that the API was changed in the port to .NET standard, crack + license key, will vary significantly from the samples included below and will not be maintained going forward.
In your application that is crack + license key for generating the licence keys, reference the AppSoftware.LicenceEngine.KeyGenerator NuGet package.
In the application for which a licence key is to be verified (this could be an application you distribute to your end user), reference the AppSoftware.LicenceEngine.KeyVerification NuGet package. Do not reference the AppSoftware.LicenceEngine.KeyGenerator in code that will will be compiled into software that will be distributed to the end user.
Sample code is included in this repository under
Licence Key Generator Application Sample
A full sample application for generating licence keys is as follows:
Licence Key Verification Application Sample
Verifying the licence key generated in the above sample code can be achieved as below:
How it works
To generate a licence key we essentially need two things:
- A set of arbitrary 'key' bytes that are unique to the application that we want to protect. You are responsible for choosing a random set of bytes to use as your 'keys'
- A seed that is unique to the context in which a key is being generated, e.g. 1 licence key for 1 user, or 1 licence key for 1 user application id combination.
Together, the seed and the byte keys will control the key that is produced. What is unique to this system, is that when verifying the licence key, you only test a subset of the total byte keys used to generate the full key. This means that the full set of key bytes used to create the licence key does not have to be included in the distributed software, and therefore it is harder to create a keygen to crack the keys you generate, crack + license key. An attacker does not have all the information to fully reverse engineer your key verification system.
With this system, you are able to vary the keys tested on new builds for published versions of your software, and you have the option of generating new byte key sets for new versions.
You can vary the number of byte keys used to make longer, stronger keys. Your validation code will need to know how many keys were used in the generation of a key.
Remember that no distributed software can be protected 100% against attackers. Whatever the technique used to generate a licence key system, all distributed software has the potential to be decompiled and modified to that licence key verification is skipped entirely. Depending on the context in which you crack + license key your software, you may need to employ obfuscation and other security techniques to make this less likely. Our system provides a simple programming interface, that helps to create a user friendly, crack + license key, attacker resistant means of implementing licence key functionality in your application.
Terms of use
App Software Ltd and our partners accept no liability for any loss or damage to physical property or intellectual property arising as a result of using our products.
Users of our software, licensed or otherwise are expected to undertake their own thorough testing and assessment for suitability of our products before integrating with their solutions.
Funding and Sponsorship:
This project is currently free open source distributed under the below licence.
If you are using this project within or on behalf of a for-profit commercial organisation, or including in software that is to be redistributed we ask you to sponsor this organisation so that we can continue to maintain and develop this and other open source projects further.
Sponsorship can be set up via GitHub sponsors:
Thank you, your support is greatly appreciated!
Copyright © 2020 http://www.appsoftware.com Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/
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How to Generate Cryptographically Secure License Keys in 2022
Generating and verifying license keys is a common requirement for a lot commercial software these days. From desktop applications such as those built on frameworks like Electron or Qt, to dual-licensed open source packages and libraries like Sidekiq, to a variety of other on-premise software applications and dependencies.
They all have one common denominator: the need for secure licensing.
But as an independent software vendor (ISV), you may be asking yourself — "what technology should I choose for software licensing in 2021?"
Well, before we get to the answer, we need to understand a bit of history.
The 2 big attack vectors for licensing
When it comes to software licensing, the key generation and verification algorithms vendors choose can make or break a licensing system. After an algorithm has been compromised, a vendor can no longer trust any previously generated license keys, including those belonging to legit end-users.
When this happens, there are a couple things we can do:
- Move to an online licensing server, where we can check keys against a list of valid keys. If you choose to build an in-house licensing system, this can be incredibly expensive, both up-front and in the long-term. This can also limit our application's license checks to online-only, which may be less than ideal.
- Move to a modern license key algorithm, crack + license key. This resolution has the rather unfortunate side-effect of invalidating all previously generated license keys, including those belonging to legit end-users, requiring a migration plan.
Both of these solutions can come at a huge cost, both in terms of end-user trust, support costs, as well as engineering resources. Suffice it to say, it's a bad situation. And ideally, what we want to do is avoid the situation entirely, by choosing a crack + license key, secure license key algorithm from the get-go.
But before we crack + license key how, let's take a quick look at a couple of the largest attack vectors for licensing, crack + license key, which may help us understand how to defend against them.
Software cracking
Software "cracking" is the act of directly modifying the source code of a software application to bypass its licensing system entirely. As much as vendors hate to hear it: all applications installed on an end-users device are susceptible to cracking.
(After all, an application is simply made up of bits and bytes, ones and zeroes, stored locally, and those can always be modified no matter how hard a vendor may try.)
But doesn't that mean licensing is a fool's errand? Not at all. Licensing can be a powerful deterrent against casual piracy, especially for applications that utilize a modern licensing system. More importantly, a good licensing system can help you get visibility into application usage, it can provide distribution and update services, and a great system can help you maximize your software's revenue potential by highlighting natural up-sell opportunities, such as when an end-user attempts to utilize more device seats than they've been allotted.
Software cracks usually only work for a single version of a particular application, since the application code itself is modified to bypass any license checks (meaning a software update often requires an updated crack for the new application code.) Distributing a cracked version of an application falls on the bad actor.
Cracks are one of the more common attack vectors for software applications.
Software keygens
The other major attack vector is known as a software "keygen", which is much more ominous. As its name may imply, a keygen is a form of software, crack + license key, often a separate program or webpage, that generates valid license keys, i.e. a key-generator, or "keygen."
Most software vendors have some type of license keygen, which they keep secret. For example, after a user submits a successful purchase order, part of the order process calls a key generator, which generates a valid, legitimate license key for the new customer.
But when it comes to vulnerable, legacy license key algorithms, a crack + license key actor may also be able to accomplish a similar feat — generating valid, albeit illegitimate, license keys, granted they put in some effort to reverse-engineer the algorithm.
Depending on your key generation algorithm, a keygen like this may only be able to generate valid key for a single version of an application. But in the worst case, a bad actor can create a keygen that generates valid license keys that work across all versions of an application, requiring a complete upheaval of the product's licensing system.
Fun fact: we chose the name "Keygen" for it's true meaning — a license key generator. We don't use proprietary algorithms that can be reverse-engineered, like the olden days. Rather, we lean on modern cryptography — the same algorithms used for the Internet's security and used by government agencies such as the NSA — to generate secure license keys.
It's also worth mentioning that keygens are much more valuable to bad actors than cracks, because a keygen can be used on the real application, vs the bad actor having to distribute a modified, cracked version of the application.
The legacy license key algorithm
Now, we've alluded to this legacy algorithm, which is actually still in crack + license key to this day by a number of software vendors. It's called Partial Key Verification, and although it may seem like a good-enough system, it is security through obscurity.
Why? Let's dive in and find out.
Partial key verification
These days, writing a partial key verification (PKV) algorithm is actually more work than simply doing it the right way. But for the sake of understanding, let's write our own partial key verification system, crack + license key. And then we're going to break it.
A quick definition of PKV
Partial Key Verification is a software license key algorithm that partitions a product key into multiple "subkeys." With each new version of your product, your license key verification algorithm will check a different subset of a license's subkeys.
It's called partial key verification because the verification algorithm never tests the full license key, it only tests a subset of subkeys. (Or so they say.)
I'd recommend reading the above blog post by Brandon from 2007, with his partial serial number verification system being written in Delphi. But if you're not into Delphi, crack + license key, we'll be porting the partial key verification algorithm to Node.
An implementation of PKV
The main components of a PKV key are the seed value and its subkeys (together referred to as the serial), and then a checksum. The subkeys are derived from the unique seed value, accomplished using bit twiddling, and the checksum is to ensure that the serial (seed + subkeys) does not contain a typo. (Yes… in the olden days, a person actually had to input license keys by-hand.)
We're not going to get into the specifics on each of these components, e.g. how the checksum works, since Brandon's post covers all of that in detail.
With that said, let's crack + license key the role of a business that is about to release a new application. We're going to write a keygen that we, the business, can use to generate legitimate keys for our end-users after they purchase our product.
Our PKV keygen should be a tightly kept trade secret, because with it comes the power to craft license keys at-will. But we'll soon realize, much to our demise, keeping a PKV keygen secret is actually not possible.
So, without further ado — let's begin.
Here's what a PKV keygen looks like:
Yeah — it's a lot to take in. Most readers won't be comfortable with youtube by click 2.2.95 crack Free Activators of those magic numbers and the nifty bit-twiddling. (And rightly so — it is confusing, even to me, as I port over the Delphi code and write this post.)
But with that, let's generate our first license key:
Next, let's break down this new key. Let's recall the components of a key: the seed, its subkeys, and the checksum.
In this case, we can strip away the dashes and see our components:
Now, a R-Studio 8.12 Build 175573 keygen for production-use may have more subkeys, or the subkeys may be arranged or intermingled differently, but the algorithm is still going to be more or less the same. As will the algorithm's vulnerabilities.
So, how do we verify these license keys?
Well, let's remember, the "P" in "PKV" stands for "partial" — Partial Key Verification, crack + license key. Our license key verification algorithm should driver reviver portable full verify one subkey at a time, which we can rotate as-needed, or per version of our app.
Here's what the verification algorithm looks like:
The gist of the verification algorithm is that we firstly check key formatting, then we'll verify the checksum is valid. Next, we'll verify the format of the seed value, which if we recall is the first 8 characters of the serial.
And then we hit the meat and potatoes of PKV: verifying the nth subkey.
If you notice, crack + license key, is deriving an expected 0th subkey from the seed value. We then compare the expected 0th subkey to our license key's actual 0th subkey. If the subkeys don't match, the license key is not valid.
But if we're including the exact 0th subkey parameters, which are used by our secret keygen, in our crack + license key code, isn't that bad? Absolutely! This is how we break PKV. And thus comes the moment we've all been waiting for — let's write an 'illegal' keygen.
Writing a keygen
Let's assume the role of a bad actor. And let's review what we know so far:
- The current version of the application verifies the 0th subkey.
- The 0th subkey is located at indices 8 and 9: .
- We possess the parameters to generate a valid 0th subkey: .
Let's write a keygen, using only the operations contained within the verification code, that generates a license key with a valid 0th subkey.
That's a lot of zeroes. Further, the only components that are not zeroed crack + license key are the 0th subkey, and the checksum. But this can't possibly be a valid key, right?
Shoot — that's not good.
Well, actually… it's good for 'us', the bad actor; bad for the business whose application we just wrote a working keygen for. We need only increment the hexadecimal seed value to generate more valid license keys:
Which we can then inspect,
And as expected,
Well, that's doubly not good, for them. And as Murphy's Law would predict, this keygen has just been submitted to a popular online message board that the business has no control over. The keygen grows in crack + license key, sales dip, stakeholders are unhappy.
What can be done?
Verifying the next subkey
Let's assume the role of the business once again. We need to fix this. Luckily, our chosen key algorithm lets us go from verifying the 0th subkey, to verifying the 1st subkey. All we have to do is adjust the subkey parameters:
Let's quickly make this change and push out a silent update to limit any further damage this bad actor can inflict. Luckily, our app auto-updates so this should be a fast fix.
Problem solved, right?
Not quite.
Writing another keygen
Let's reclaim our role as bad actor. Users of our keygen are claiming that it no longer works, which is weird because it was most definitely working before. They're paying us in cryptocurrency, and even though we're a bad guy, we like to keep our customers happy.
We Kerish Doctor 2021 Crack + Serial Key Free Download the first variable that has changed is that the application seems to have updated itself. After poking around the new version, we reassess the situation.
And these are the facts:
- The new version of the application no longer verifies the 0th subkey.
- The new version of the application now verifies the 1st subkey.
- The 1st subkey is located at indices 10 and 11: .
- We possess the parameters crack + license key generate detected illegal copy of unhackme Free Activators valid 1st subkey: .
See a pattern?
All 'they' did was move from verifying the 0th subkey to the 1st subkey, crack + license key. Let's adjust our keygen program so that it generates valid product keys once again:
Which produces a new license key,
And, once again, as expected,
We can do this all day. All we need is some 90s KeyGen music.
As the business using PKV, we can continue adjusting our nth subkey verification as-needed to combat these keygens as they pop up. We have alerts set up for various indicator keywords and everything.
But there's a major problem. (It may not be a problem now, but it will be soon.)
Do you see it?
It's simple: once we start verifying the 2nd subkey, which the bad actor will once again write a keygen for, and then the 3rd subkey, crack + license key, we'll eventually run out of subkeys. Even if we use 100 subkeys, running out is inevitable.
What does that mean, to "run out"?
It means that after we've rotated through verifying each of our subkeys, in our clever attempt at combatting the keygens, we'll soon crack + license key no more recourse. Sure, we can start blacklisting seed values directly in our application code, but that's a fool's errand when there's something worse than running out of subkeys.
What's "worse"?
Well, at the end of this scenario, once all subkey parameters have been leaked, the bad actor can fully replicate our secret keygen! (After all, we've literally given them the keys to our castle. It was a slow trickle, but they were patient.)
It's game over after they get those.
So, what's the point?
To be frank, Partial Key Verification is a lot of work, especially for a key algorithm that we will eventually leak in its entirety. PKV is flawed by its very nature. Sure, the more subkeys there are, the longer it will take to leak the entire algorithm. Maybe that's awhile. Or maybe the bad actor isn't sophisticated enough to keep a record of subkey parameters.
But at the end of the day, crack + license key, we're still leaking our secrets!
Things that are wrong with PKV:
- You leak the license key generation algorithm over time. (I can't stress this enough!)
- You eventually have to maintain a blacklist of leaked/illegitimate keys.
- Given enough legitimate keys, your algorithm can be deduced.
- It's hard to embed data into a key (e.g. max app version).
- It's incredibly complex.
A quick tangent —
Most application licensing boils down to code that looks like this:
Some applications will have a central point in the bytecode where this check happens, but others harden their system by inlining the license key checks, making the work of a bad actor wanting to crack the software much, much harder. But licensing is all essentially the same: it's a series of conditionals.
With that in mind, there's no benefit to using PKV, a licensing scheme that will eventually leak its secrets to any bad actor that is looking, vs. modern cryptography. It's not more secure, it's not easier to distribute, and it doesn't protect you from keygens. PKV is, crack + license key, by design, security through obscurity. And it should no longer be used.
So what's the alternative?
Modern license key algorithms
When choosing a modern license key algorithm, we have a quite a few solid options. For example, our API supports a variety of cryptographic schemes for license keys, from elliptic-curve signatures, to RSA signatures and even encryption. Today, we'll be covering elliptic-curve and RSA-2048 signatures.
Cryptography is a wide space, but we're going to focus on asymmetric, or public-key, cryptography. The way these asymmetric cryptographic schemes work is that they have a private key, crack + license key, and a public key. You take some data and create a signature of it using the private key, which can be verified using the public key. Verification is essentially an authenticity check, "was this data signed by the private key?"
As the names imply, the private key is our secret (i.e. it's never shared), crack + license key, the public key is public. In our case, we're going to embed the public key into our application code.
There are symmetric schemes, such as AES-128, which forego public and private keys, and instead use a shared secret key. But those aren't useful for license keys because we'd have to embed our secret key into our code to verify license keys, which would give a bad actor the ability to write a keygen (which was the end result of our PKV implementation).
At the end of today, our cryptographic license keys are going to end up looking like this:
The license keys we generate may differ in length, depending on the cryptographic scheme we use, but the format is going to stay the same: some encoded data, a delimiter ".", and a cryptographic signature of the data. (This is more or less the same format our API uses for cryptographic keys.)
Let's start with asymmetric elliptic-curves.
Elliptic-curve cryptography
We aren't going to be doing a deep-dive into elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) today, but that link should curb the curious. Within the ECC category, crack + license key, there are a myriad of different algorithms. Today, we'll be exploring Ed25519, a modern implementation of a Schnorr signature system using elliptic-curve groups.
Ed25519 provides a 128-bit security level, crack + license key, the same security level as AES-128, NIST P-256, and RSA-3072. (Meaning, yes, it's good.)
An implementation of ECC
Now, rather than write our own crypto, we're going to be using Node's standard module, which as of Node 12, supports Ed25519.
Let's generate our private and public keys, or more succinctly, crack + license key, our keypair.
After generating our keypair, we're going to want to keep those encoded keys in a safe place. We'll use the private signing key for our keygen, and we'll use the public verify key to verify authenticity of license keys within our application.
Let's write our license keygen. Thankfully, it's a lot simpler than our PKV code:
Once again, we can strip away any delimiters and see our components:
What's great about this license key format is that we can embed any dataset into it that we need. Right now, we're embedding the customer's email, but we could include other information as well, such as order ID, key expiration date, entitlements, and more. (It could even be a JSON object, which is actually the default for our API.)
One downside is that the more data you embed, the larger the license keys will become. But in the real world, this isn't really an issue, since the majority of users will copy-and-paste their license keys, as opposed to typing them in by hand.
So, what about verifying the keys? Again, it's pretty simple:
That's all the code you would need to add to your application to verify license keys (minus implementation details like prompting the user for their license key, etc.)
Another major downside is that Ed25519 may not be supported in many programming languages, outside of third-party dependencies. Most modern programming languages, given the version is up-to-date should support it. For example, Node introduced support in Node 12; but Ruby, however, still lacks support in the standard library.
So, what's another alternative?
RSA cryptography
RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman), is a advanced systemcare Activators Patch supported cryptography system, and it's crack + license key of the oldest systems still in use. Like ECC, it's an asymmetric cryptography system, meaning it uses public-private keypairs to verify and sign data, respectively.
Due to its age, you may find outdated advice online recommending 512-bit keys, crack + license key, or even smaller. A modern use of RSA should utilize 2048- 3072- or 4096-bit keys. The higher the bit size, the higher the security level. (Though, we should also keep in mind: the higher the bit size, the longer the signatures will be.)
For our implementation, we're going to use RSA-2048.
An implementation of RSA
We're going to be returning to our old friend, Node's module. It has full support for RSA, like most programming languages do. Our RSA license keygen will be very similar to its ECC counterpart.
So, let's generate an RSA keypair: (Brace yourself.)
Right off the bat, we can see that RSA's keys are much, crack + license key, much larger the Ed25519's. But that's okay, they both get us to our end goal: a cryptographically secure licensing system. Again, you'll want to store these keys in a safe place. As before, and as the names imply, the private key is private, and the public key can be public.
And as expected, like our keypair, crack + license key, our license keys are also much larger. But they're secure. And remember, most users copy-and-paste, so length doesn't really matter. (You could even wrap license keys in a file, which makes distribution a breeze. But that's just an implementation detail.)
Let's break down the license key into its dataset and signature components:
That signature, aye? If we were to use a smaller key size, the signature size could be reduced, but we shouldn't sacrifice security for such a thing. RSA-512 can be broken within days, for less than $100 in compute-power. Similarly, even RSA-1024 can be broken, though for a much larger sum. RSA-2048 would take around a billion years to break on modern systems (quantum crack + license key aside.)
Suffice it to say — RSA-2048 is a safe choice in 2021. RSA-3072, even moreso.
But I digress —
Similarly to ECC, verifying an RSA license key is a rather painless process:
Once again, it takes less than 10 lines of code to verify license keys within your application. Our RSA implementation can be improved by using a more modern non-deterministic padding scheme, PKCS1-PSS (which our API also supports.)
Caveats and summary
We've learned how legacy licensing systems, such as Partial Key Verification, can be compromised by a bad actor, and how PKV is insecure by-design. We even wrote a PKV keygen ourselves. We then wrote a couple secure licensing systems using modern cryptography, implementing Ed25519 and RSA-2048 signature verification.
Okay, okay — after all we've been through with PKV…
You may be asking yourself —
"What about keygens?"
The good news is that unless a bad actor can break Ed25519 or RSA-2048, writing a keygen is effectively impossible. Besides, if a bad actor can break Ed25519 or RSA-2048 in 2021, we'll have much bigger things to worry about, anyways.
But remember, crack + license key, a crack != a keygen, so your application's licensing always runs the risk of being circumvented via code modification. But license keys cannot be forged when you utilize a licensing system built on modern cryptography.
(When it comes to cracking, we can defend against some low-hanging-fruit, but we'll leave that topic for another day.)
Now, where does a licensing server fit in?
Generating and verifying the authenticity of cryptographically signed license keys like we've covered will work great for a lot of licensing needs. The implementation is straight forward, it's secure, and these types of license keys work especially great for offline-first perpetual licenses (or a timed license with an embedded, immutable expiry).
But coupled with a modern licensing server, cryptographic keys can be used to implement more complex licensing models, such as these popular ones:
- An entitlement-based model that gates access to certain features or versions of an application by a license's entitlements. For example, Sublime Text 4 allows for a few years of updates, but after a license expires, only the versions within that 3 year window can be accessed, according to the license's entitlements.
- A node-locked or floating model where a license is limited to the number of devices it can be used on at one time. For example, Sketch allows you to purchase licenses by seat-count, where a user can activate and deactivate device "seats."
- Device-locked timed trials where a device can sign up for a single trial, without risk of the user signing up for a second, crack + license key, third or fourth trial.
But rather than build a licensing server in-house, that's where our software licensing API can come in and save your team time and money.
Until next time.
If you find any errors in my code, or if you can think of ways to improve things, ping me via Twitter.